Fargate Ruins

Perched on a secluded island within the boundaries of the kingdom of Requiem, these ruins hold the secrets of an ancient civilization long lost to time. The crumbling remnants of grand architecture are adorned with intricate carvings and symbols that hint at a profound knowledge and advanced understanding of magic. The ruins are arranged in a circular pattern, with a central courtyard that once likely served as a hub of activity. Massive stone pillars, weathered by centuries of exposure to the elements, surround the courtyard, creating an otherworldly atmosphere. Each pillar is etched with runes and glyphs, their meanings lost to the contemporary inhabitants of Aesteria.   At the heart of the Far Gate Ruins stands a colossal archway, the eponymous "Far Gate." This gate is an enigmatic structure with an ethereal glow, radiating a faint, pulsating energy. The archway appears to be a portal of sorts, though its function remains a mystery. Legends speak of it being a gateway to realms beyond, connecting Aesteria to distant planes or dimensions. Whether it was intended for communication, transportation, or something more arcane is a source of speculation among scholars and adventurers.   The purpose of the Far Gate Ruins has been the subject of numerous quests and scholarly endeavors within the kingdom of Requiem. Some believe that the ancient civilization who built the ruins possessed knowledge of powerful magical arts, and the Far Gate was a conduit to harness and manipulate this mystical energy. Others argue that it was a gateway to other realms, allowing for the exchange of knowledge, resources, or even the migration of beings between worlds.   Despite the allure of its mysteries, the Far Gate Ruins hold an air of caution. Strange occurrences and magical anomalies have been reported by those who dared to explore its depths. The kingdom of Requiem, fascinated and wary of the ruins' potential, has established a perimeter around the island with its univiersities often conducting research towards it planar gate at its center.