
It's unknown what Goblintown actually is. At the center is an unexplained obelisk of unknown construction, with little to no records regarding it. What is known is that this is an ancestral site for goblins - who often migrate here from all over Requiem and Vanreth on the blood moon once a year to worship, speak, and trade. At any given momen though, migratory goblin tribes will arrive to worship. Often these groups of goblins get into trouble on the way over or while in the area, and many times groups are sent out to deal with problem groups without distrupting the town.    At one point the Goblintown rituals were disrupted by a Vanrethian group seeking to put an end to the festivities. Instead, well over a thousand goblins flooded into Vanreth and looted, vandalized, and even killed their way through south eastern Vanreth - only stopping when they got bored. Now, most groups are aware to leave it be and only cull those actively causing issue.