Half Races

Love between 2 different humanoid species is not uncommon within Aesteria. Racial divides have fallen in Requiem, the Lordless Lands, and to an extent - Vanreth. This has led to a variety of races intermingling socially and physically. Though that is not uncommon, pregnancy and then taking a child to term often is. This isn't true for some compatibility. Humans are surprisingly adept at inter-species breeding, specifically half orcs and half elves are seen quite often (despite humans sharing more space with Owlin and Haflings than Elves and Orcs). Other mixtures though are more rare.    Note that egg laying species like Owlin, Dragonborn, and Lizardfolk aren't able to have offspring with standard humanoids or even one another. 
Rules for Half Races  For the traits of a half race, pick one of the parental races and use those traits. If some adjustments wish to be made, speak to the GM.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Half Races take 2 different forms - either looking very close to one of the parental races, or looking like a near mixture of both.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Often their names are mixed, taking the last name from one parental species and first from another.


Half Races were not always looked on fondly. To this day, many Elves view half elves as a muddying of the water. Many in early years saw inter-species relationships as strange and incompatible. Only when trade between all 4 kingdoms began to open up did these barriers fall in many places, though quite a few groups still cling to old ways.    It is good to note that Lordless Lands never had an issue with inter-species relations.
Average the parental life spans.