Kings Swords

The Kings Swords are Requiems standing army. After the war of the dragon, Requiem downsized its standing military. Now with 10,000 troops roughly Requiem prioritises training over mass of numbers. As such, the Kings Swords are seen as one of the more elite of the national armed forces. This is in contrast to Requiems other large armed force, the Lordsmen - whose training and financing is at the whims of the Lords, leading to smaller forces lesser equipped and trained.    Kings Swords are well paid but often require more intense early training and testing. Requiem took many ideas from the failures of their neighbours after the war of the dragon, specifically Vanreths. Vanreths lack of a strong core in their army saw failures in the Hastlands and on their own soil. Requiem transformed the Kings Swords, cutting off the fat to make a leaner and meaner army. They took the saved coin from downsizing to better equip them, as well as pull in magical advancements and trained mages.    Kings Swords do not abide by the whims of Lords, instead with their own chain of command heading all the way up to the Crown Marshal, and then the monarch. Kings Swords often remain in the Hilt, but also at various military posts and within embassies throughout Aesteria.