Old Merchants Fort

Back during the times of the Empire a fort was constructed on the edge of the Sellsword Wids to act as a trading post and stopping point for traders moving between Maldrere and Vanderealm. Dubbed "Oaksplit Fort", it prospered even into the age of the empire. However, with the creation of Requiem and the war that followed, Oaksplit would see less and less trade. It would finally meet its final fate when Lord Alderbrim annexed the fort in order to perform raids against the fresh kingdom of Requiem through the wilds. When Alderbrim blundered a raid on the village of Sunbrook, King Lyfelde would respond in brutal fashion - burning Oaksplit and cementing Requiems new borders as the far eastern edge of the Sellsword Wilds.    In modern day, Oaksplit is now just known as Old Merchants Fort - and is often a home and hub for various ne'er-do-wells from monsters to men. It's old cellars still remain intact to a degree, making it a perfect smugglers den or lair.