The orc run town of Omalgath is right on the border to Requiem. It appeared as trade between Requiem and Ilmora opened up, working as a stopping point between the 2. Omalgath is a safe haven, accepting of all people. Its chief changes every 3 years, and any can attempt to become chief - but it is chosen by contests of will, mind, and strength. The Orcish culture of testing has led to its fighting pits, for which Omalgath is known. These pits are often stocked with monsters, and although Omalgath doesn't allow betting (it's bad luck) there is a very large underground ring of betting on fights.
Omalgath is a large mix of individuals from the Lordless Lands, and traders from Requiem and Ilmora. Mostly its native population is orcs, centaurs, and goblins but there is a wide mix of humans and elves thrown in.
Omalgath is ruled by a Chieftain and the council of scarred. The council is made up of previous surviving chieftains, who merely advice. Omalgaths chieftain is an earned position, one must challenge another chieftain to a test - this test is one of mind, body, and wisdom. Often it is a
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