
Fey creatures at heart, Rakin are a race of sentient rodent like animals. Most often found in Ilmora and the Lordless Lands, Rakin aren't common at all - having a population lower than most other species. They're species is split between the adventurous that are out in the world and those who wish to stick closer to home. Rakin don't always enjoy discussing the aspects of their species, and are instead known for their mischievous natures and creativity, which sees them often in positions of invention, artistry, or on the wrong side of laws.   
  • Size. Rakin are between 3 and a half to 4 feet tall. They have a light gait but sturdy frames, weighing from 40 to 90 pounds. Your size is Small.
  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. 
  • Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern colour in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Deft Climber. You have a climbing speed of 20 feet.
  Subraces The Rakin have 2 seperate subraces. Those two subraces are the Urkin and the Tanukin   Urkin
  • Streetwise. You are proficient in the Stealth
  • and Sleight of Hand skills. Additionally, you can understand Thieve’s Cant.
  • Nimble Dodge. When forced to make a Dexterity saving throw against an effect you can see,you can use your reaction to gain advantage on your saving throw. Success or fail, after the effect occurs, you can immediately move up to your movement speed without provoking opportunity attacks. Once you use this ability, you must complete a short or long rest before you can use it again.
  • Adept Trickster. You have proficiency with the Deception skill.
  • Tanukin Magic. You know the minor illusion cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast disguise self once, and it recharges after a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast alter self once, and it recharges after a long rest. Charisma, Wisdom, or Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Rakin look like different rodent-like creatures, ranging from Raccoons to Red Pandas to even Wombats or Capybaras. They're often smaller and shorter than the average human, on par with haflings. Rakin colouring and fur patterns are very distinct and even with years of mixing have stayed stagnant, unlike tabaxi.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Like Owlin, Rakin names are often Fey Relatedthough many prefer to instead take the names of whatever societal group they're within.


Long ago, a theft happened in the realm of the feywild; an average raccoon stole a pile of seeds and various other things from an important feylord. Unbeknownst to the raccoon, they had just robbed the root of the mother tree. This event was during the period when creatures escaped out of the feywild, avoiding the wrath of the fey lords. Once in the material plane, the raccoon would end up deep within the alvicosta jungle, where the roots of the mother tree would take hold and begin to grow. Being from the feywild meant the tree grew abnormally fast, sprouting up to over 100 feet tall in a little over a month. The raccoon who initially stole the seed would, due to his proximity and the innate magical energy emanating from the mother tree, would become magical himself. This animal’s brain contained an explosive expansion of cognitive and physical capacity due to the tree's power over months. This event was the origin of the Rakin race in the world of Aesteria. Having experienced an awakening, the raccoon returned to the feywild and gathered his friends and families to return to the mother tree. The Rakin would prosper living within the embrace of the mother tree, never leaving the tree as they did not need to. The tree camouflaged itself using illusory magic to ward off anyone or anything attempting to puncture the Rakin ecosystem. This way of living was the status quo for centuries until some Rakin wanted to travel outside and see what the rest of the world was. However, the leaders forbade this from happening; this event would later become known as “the catastrophe” as it sundered the once unified race into two distinct factions, the urkin and the tanukin. The urkin were the group who wanted to travel outside and see what the world was like; they would eventually discover the world's different civilizations and become fascinated by these jungles of stone and steel. The tanukin were the group who stayed behind and never left the mother tree; they loved tradition and thought civilization was sinful, and one’s true purpose in life is to serve nature and safeguard it. The urkin moved into these cities looking for opportunities and adventure; the most important values to the urkin are not letting tradition get in the way of having fun and, in most cases getting up to no good. There is still bitter animosity between the two groups even though it has been over 400 years since the catastrophe happened. The urkin almost exclusively live in cities and other urban centres, and the tanukin only live in non-urban areas and prefer the company of the woods and nature.
60 years