Summer Guard

Billed as  both a deterrent to coups and a protection to lords, the Summer Guard are a set of the most elite Wyvern Riders Requiem has, assigned to be the body guards of each lord. Members of the Wyvern Rider corps are selected and receive extended training in protection services and espionage in order to function as one part defender for the Lords and one part spy for the Hilt.  It's an open secret that the Summer Guard work as informants for the monarchy, keeping tabs on each lord to make sure they function as demanded, but nothing can be done about it.    The Summer Guard are a rotating group of 8. 2 Summer Guard are assigned to each Lord, but only 1 is ever present at a given time. Summer Guard must stick close to their Lord, meaning they're always moving around or are forced to stay with the Lord within the keep. So Summer Guard are kept on 2 year rotating shifts. A Summer Guard will work with a Lord for 2 years before being cycled out for their counterpart.