
Sunbrook is a large trading stop and hub for those coming in or towards Vanreth. Sunbrook is a sizeable place, and the town allows nature to thrive in parts - with a large park near its Church of Lament and many trees dotting its roads. Sunbrook has a large lumber and livestock market found just outside its walls as well.   Sunbrook has a winter solstice festival unlike any other, thanks to the large pine tree called the Maldrere Anchor within the centre of its Lyfelde Park. This tree is decorated every year and a large outdoor and indoor festival is thrown, with games, food, and activities.


Sunbrook is a mixed crowd, but has a large population of humans, owlin, and gnomes.


Sunbrook is run by its mayor who is appointed by the Lord of the Woods, Sunbrooks mayor also appoints a small council to help manage the town.
Large town
Location under
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