The Inquisition

Created by a member of the Crownsguard, the Inquisition shares a lot of the formation elements of the Crownsguard except it is designed to protect the monarch and their realm from less visible threats. Specialising in intelligence and counter intelligence, the Inquisition is a group of 12 specially selected and trained members trained in spy craft.    The 12 of them form their own smaller networks, hiring those they see fit and often training their own potential replacements. Each Inquisitor is given a large amount of power, kept in check by their reporting straight to the Monarch and their staff.    The 12 vote on a leader to represent them in court and report to the monarch, as well to assign certain tasks. The High Inquisitor is elected for life or until another vote is called. Only a member of the Inquisition can be voted in.    The names and faces of each Inquisitor are unknown, however each wears a magical ring that cannot be taken off once placed on their hand. This ring, when a command word is spoken, will show itself as an Inquisitors signet ring.
Military, Intelligence