
Thelnor was constructed as trade flourished between Requiem and Ilmora. A stop point was needed, and Ilmora decided to construct the town of Thelnor to help keep trade safe and flowing. It would also function as a border post to the Lordless Lands, which Ilmora had some issues with early on. Thelnor is a city with a large military force, an extravagant nightlife, and wonderful architecture, functioning as a mixed military post, trading stop, and tourist trap.    At its heart is its Crystal Spire, a tower of hardened glass that rises up as the towns hall. It's streets run with gold, swords, and  booze as a large portion of the city goes to keeping the traders entertained, well fed, and drunk. Thelnor has gained a reputation within Ilmora as being seedy, but those from it know that the guards and military forces have the city in their grasp.


Thelnor is a large trade town but still has a vast number of Elvish and Fey inhabitants, with Wood Elves being its largest demographic. Many humans and satyr stay within Thelnor, due to large amount of trade and a fairly active night life.


Thelnors governmental structure is all appointed. The High Speaker selects the Myvander (or Chosen Soul) to lead the settlement. The Myvander also selects a council consisting of a Captain of the Guard, Captain of the People, and Captain of the Commerce.
Large town
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank