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Spinemourn (Spine-Moar-un.)

Spinemourn - The Capital City of the Cursed Tops

"There is such a place, such foulness and cruelty.. The underlings crested, and with it.. they blotted out the North, and cursed our lands. We do not speak of them, for they dwell within Spinemourn." - Khousdrour Ashmaker
Population: 12,870 (81% Dark Elves, 4% Kobold, 4% Goblinoid 11% Other Races)   Government: A small sect of Shadowsoul's, led by a Dragon Lord and direct influence from Adrorog.   Defense: There are militia's to defend the outskirts of Spinemourne from incursion, but townsguard is vacant. Citizenry provide their own combat skills out of necessity.   Commerce: Basic supplies are avaliable, if not scarce. Most trade involves provisions and goods in return for favours, survival and defense.   Organisations: There remains afew broken sanctuaries and temples to old Gods, mostly all religious sects belong to Adrorog directly.      

Deeply Cursed Lands.

  The prescence of Spinemourn goes against most folks understanding.
As it was once known to all as the deeply settled Drow city of Nicorane, located within the underdark. It is said that Adrorog gripped the city from ontop, and hoisted it through the Material Plane, creating a harsh, unbearable set of natural disasters, mountain formations and shifts in the landscape for this Capital City to rule. With the formation of the City, came curses from Mystra in an attempt to make it uninhabitable and harsh, condemning Ardorog's actions for doing such a thing.   The lands themselves are, as a result - constantly haunted and harrowed by those who died in the cresting of Nicorane and is a Haunted Region as explained in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Every 24 hours, the DM must roll on the Haunted Effects table, and have one of the events occur.
Rolling a 96-00 will instead allow the DM to pick which effect they wish to have occur that day.    

A permanent shroud.


A cruel addtional layer was pushed upon the Cursed Tops, constantly lining the floor and ground with a thick, looming white fog and mist.

At all times, 1ft of low, swirling fog blows through Spinemourn streets, and provides confusion to most.  Additionally, creatures notice unsettling sights through the mist, such as ominous ruins or soundless silhouettes fleeing pursuit. The mists can't be dispersed by any wind.   Lasting seemingly indefinately, houses and store-fronts tend to be barred up and the mist swept out when needed.

Those who stay directly in The Mist for over an hour, must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or gain 1 level of exhaustion. This exhaustion cannot be removed whilst remaining in The Mist.




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