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Moribund (a.k.a. Mori)

Mori was born to a family of tithe-bearers in one of the many cults of Ohr (one more heretical variants). From an early age, he played host to the specter Phelo, a former follower of Ohr before his ascension, who instructed the young boy and urged him to focus on self-improvement and dedication to his studies. Phelo's constant supervision and forcefulness left Mori with little time to socialize or make friends, and his parents indulged the ancient spirit's every whim, overjoyed that their son had shown promise and might one day join the cult's inner circle one day.   When Mori first began his official training as a grave-keeper, he was placed in a group with the rest of the party. Young, impressionable, and starved for attention and camaraderie, Mori immediately grew to appreciate his compatriots greatly. When his parents noted Altair and Ishtar's relations to the leader of the cult, appreciation turned to admiration, and when Altair was rumored to be the Sacred Vessel long awaited by the cult's teachings, admiration turned to worship.   When the rest of his group decided to leave the cult, Mori was surprised and a little confused: why would anyone want to leave? However, Mori had a sense of duty and responsibility drilled into him by Phelo early on, and if the Saintly Exarch of the River was going on a pilgrimage of sorts, he knew he was honor-bound to accompany and protect His Glorious Eminence... and if they claimed there was no need to inform the cult of their absence, well, Mori would just have to deal.

Mori, until recently, worked as a grave-keeper in the service of a cult of Ohr. Phelo, the spirit of a former follower of Ohr, latched onto Mori's soul at his birth, lending strength and guidance to the boy.

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Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 6''
120 lb

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Memento Mori, Entry 1

Dear Future Mori,   Phelo tells me that when he returned, he was... fragmented? Confused? It took him a little time to organize his thoughts and remember his holy purpose, which makes sense I suppose. In order to (hopefully) cut this period of amnesia/delirium down from months to days, I'm going to write down all the important things that happen in this book so you/I/we can read this after we cross back through Ohr's Gates. You might be a bit groggy (and decomposing, if my friends haven't properly used my embalming fluid), so take a little bit of time to compose yourself and make sure all of your body parts are there, ten fingers and toes, that sort of thing.   Right. Since this is the first page of my death book, I should probably start with the basics: Your name is Moribund, but you prefer to be called Mori! You were a grave-keeper and grave-tender in the service of Ohr You have a ghost named Phelo who keeps watch over you, if you can't find him, he probably got his own body back! Which is great! You should find him and say hi. You have family. Your father's name is Jedah, your mother's name is Ohren. You love them very much. You have friends! Altair is really cool and is probably responsible for the Passage of Souls, so you should thank him for your second life! Ohriana is nice and probably will help you even if she's also pretty groggy, so try and find a starry lady buried nearby (hope you did a good job embalming her, she can be sort of scary). Ishtar is really funny but not so responsible, make sure he doesn't get into too much trouble. Helma's tough and doesn't need help, but offer anyway, you want to be on her good side.   That should be enough to go on for now! I've attached pictures and labels below so that you'll recognize everyone I mentioned. Welcome back!


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