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The Games Of Gods

Once there was a very beautiful realm, the guardians of this realm were twins. They were children of the elder god of Valor, and his beloved, the goddess of mercy. One child was the embodiment of chaotic good, the other of order, and was also of good alignment. They ruled the realm separately, it wasn’t that they didn’t adore each other, but it was that they had such varied views of how to guardian the realm, so much that they decided to rule the fair realm in turns of 500 years each. If order was in charge, chaotic good would go off and do her own thing, as did order when it was his sisters’ turn to rule. In this realm was a mage of exceptional power that knew of the rift between sister and brother, and he sought to take full advantage of this knowledge. This mage sold his soul to the god of darkness, that he might become a Lich. The mage was very cunning though, and he furthered his power in undeath by striking a deal with the god of darkness. The deal being, if this mage was successful in ridding the realm of its current guardians, and enslaving the inhabitants of the realm to the will of the god of darkness, he, himself, would be given the powers of a god and become truly immortal. He was made into the most powerful Lich in the realm, even such that he was mostly in control of his own will, save when the god of darkness gave command. Upon learning of this plan, the graceful elves of the mountain, used their knowledge of magic to create their own undead order of knights, able to resist all manner of adversity to awaken, revive, or rebirth the race of elves that they might stand against this evil and seek its undoing. These knights were called the Valem, the elder Elvish word for blood. For they were to be that last spark of life that ensured the survival of the elves against the coming onslaught. This band of elvish undead did eventually discover the secret of the evil undead mage, and bring about both the revival of the elves, and also the obliteration of this vile being of undeath. However, the newly revived elves could no longer be regarded as living, and became a new race, the first Vampires. The race of Seraph that acted as the divine order of knights for the realm were alerted to the plans of the god of darkness, and fought valiantly to defend the realm. They were over-run in their attempt to throw off the encroaching darkness and hordes of undead at its command. They were saved by the great Golden Dragon (The god of valor himself), and transported to the neighboring realm, along with all who could be saved. The goddess and her brother were included in those who survived, the few who were left of the realm, and not yet under the control of the god of darkness. The great sons of stone greeted the new arrivals, offering them medicines, and building great camps where the survivors could tend to their wounds, and begin to rebuild themselves. This valiant race of beings from under the mountains were vital in the survival of any who came from the darkness of the destroyed realm, and who weren’t subject to the will of the god of darkness. They were also instrumental in building the very first guard company to patrol any remaining rifts that came through to their realm. They enlisted the help of the U’Ruke, a race of noble horned dragonkin that lived in the great plains of this new world. This new band became known as the "Elder Guard" and were instrumental in the downfall of the undead mage. The undead mage created a company of warriors loyal only to him, and the will of the god of darkness. A band of knights that swore to find their immortality, after death, by whatever means available. However, this band broke in half after the destruction of the realm, when many of the band brothers saw the cost of their oath, and sought to atone for their wrongs. They betrayed their former brothers by disbanding and approaching the Valem. After a display of conviction, and a counter oath to serve the light, they were granted control of their will, and no longer under the command of the god of darkness. They had to reform under a new leader, who was subject to the Valem, and actively seek and destroy their former clansmen. Before the destruction of the realm, the goddess of chaotic good sought as many of the best warriors against the undead mage as she could. She encased them in Aetherite to save them from the darkness, in hopes that they might be released in future times to fight for the rebirth of the realm, or the survival of any new realm they might find themselves in. She was unable to fight in the great battle due to being tricked into an Aetherite crystal by the undead mage. This crystal encapsulated her body, and kept her from any direct action in combat until found and released. Her release didn't come until the new realm faced the onslaught of the god of darkness and his undead mage. The great dragon clans fought mightily against the unending tides of undead, until 3 of their greatest fell to the will of the god of darkness, at which time the great golden dragon came to their rescue, and to the rescue of all who could yet be saved. However, many lesser dragons, and 3 of the dragons greatest did fall to the darkness. These 3 became the great generals of the undead realm. Here are the insurmountable odds: In order to ensure their survival, the survival of their new realm, and to keep any other realms from falling to the god of darkness, they must vanquish his undead mage, who became like a god. This means they must soar above the ever rising tide of undead, destroy the knights of darkness, defeat the great 3 dragons of the undead mage, and the immortal lich himself. Let’s hope he has a weakness…

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