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Warg / Varg

In the early days of the Nine Realms, there was a great wolf deity named Varghild (meaning "battle wolf"), who was a guardian of the wild and the untamed lands. Varghild was a fierce but noble being, embodying both the strength and savagery of the wolf and the loyalty and wisdom of the pack. Varghild was greatly respected by the gods and the jotnar, and as a symbol of their reverence, they granted the deity a sacred grove in the realm of Midgard. Within this grove, Varghild gave birth to the first wargs, who inherited their divine parent's power to shapeshift between their wolf and humanoid forms, as well as their intelligence and nobility.   Over time, the wargs multiplied and spread across the land, forming packs and tribes with unique customs and beliefs. Each pack was deeply connected to the natural world and dedicated to preserving the balance between the wild and the civilized realms. As guardians of the untamed lands, the wargs were both respected and feared by the mortal races, who sought their wisdom and guidance in matters concerning nature and the wilderness.   However, the wargs also inherited Varghild's ferocity and instinct for battle. When their territories were threatened or their honor tested, the wargs would transform into their fearsome humanoid forms, using their strength and agility to defend their lands and uphold their noble heritage. In this way, the wargs earned their reputation as both formidable adversaries and loyal allies, embodying the dual nature of their divine progenitor.   Warg see themselves as guardians, and knights of their natural realm, an lands. They often employ nature spirits as their 'squires'. These nature spirits will often be disguised as humans, but are bound to the bidding of their master Warg.

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