Ember Fang

Sir Ember Fang

A relatively young male Tabaxi blessed by the laws of fire. With a nigh reckless sense of justice, he was groomed into a Guardian to protect and occasionally lead new recruits.

A 5'4" Tabaxi male with orange alley cat fur patterns.

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Neutral Good
Piercing Yellow
Alley cat orange
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Scared and pale pink
5 feet and 4 inches

3rd Log. Resting.

After we left the vault, I went to turn Robin to the security station as it would take time for the guardians to arrive.   It went as expected, aside from needing to wait a week for them the transfer was smooth. Or did I black on that part. I know I was there in the office and was thinking about something. Next memory I have is at a open mic joint, with Talia greating me.   Talia and Yunseul did there own performance, it was by far the best ones of the evening.   Through some conversation the Kid bet us on who could ride the most rides. The lines were very long but I noticed the normal thing to do is make groups wait in them all and join up on the one who got to end the fastest but besides literally everyone else doing this Yunseul and Talia adamantly refuse to this tactic.   Ultimately in the end Yunseul signaled us that her line was the fastest and only I showed up. So I guess Soot and Roach were against it as well?

2nd Log. Unprepared and confused.

I write this with some confusion. This is supposed to be the third journal entry but as I looked back the second entry is just… wrong. Im re writing with this one. The Hand of God hosts a deamon, a deamon who has already corrupted a family. I still remain firm that the fire within me has ither purified or is holding the deamon at bay, who for this log’s purpose will be called Quest. I will need to talk more with Roach for more information, untill I have more information I will be keeping Quest in my possession. So long as the fire stay lit with me I know I can hold Quest down.   After taking down the Doctor Robin and confirming the vibe of the spirits, according to Roach, a positive one now. We tied the doctor in a body sling for easy transport. His kid still holds hostile intent but is maintaining his actions, yet another instance were Quest was pushing there influence. While I was observing the doctor the Wings were talking about something. I'd admit that I probably should have paid attention because it was during this time when the Wings succumbed to the poison in the air. We started to head back up when Robin woke up and started to break free. Taking him back down and using the manacle this time I put him in much tighter hold. Walking back to floor fifteen where Yunseul paid a Wayfinder to take us to the second floor. Some minor debates occurred through the journey. One particular thing of note was a dragonkin offered the Wings a “real adventure” entrance tomorrow. This poses a concerning and fortunate situation. This group seams to be unprepared, I'm hoping the fact they are in a civilian situation prior will explain there unpreparedness.   We are currently enroute to turn in the Doctor.

1st Log, Run in with some Wings.

Whilst is was being chased by the employees I found my self in a room with several other Aetherwings. They were surrounded by a bunch of goons. I went to extended my help and took out several of them in one go. After that a man called Roach ingested a crystal and transformed into a mutant with some of his head left. To make is short we took him down and I rescued Talia from the mutants mouth. We introduced our selfs, and I learned that there involvement is purely coincidence. They are only in backrooms because the goons mixed up Soot as one there own attraction. The other Wings were led in by a kid, a kid who just reaked of suspicion. He led a group of Wings into a closed off area unmolested and had intimate knowledge of the man, Robin, leading this whole operation. Tho a kid shouldn't be here he was addiment on being here and leading us further. If it wasn't for the alarm and sound of backup coming I would have left him.   We traveled down the vault to floor 19. In here a slight toxic gas was permeating and open lava flow was all around the platform. Whilst Soot and Yunseul looked after the kid and the only door here, Talia and Roach went to the edge of the platform to "talk to spirts". The only reaction I saw was lava started to respond angrily, and right as that happened Soot triggered a trap/reaction from the lava. By turning a wheel on the indents on floor filled up with a very fine and pure form of lava, after which several tainted monsters, after Roach confirmed that they weren't spirits, showed up. Dispatching them and turning the wheel a again, lava elementals showed up. This time they showed a something disturbing and angered me. The elementals pulled lesser spirits, again confirmed by Roach, from the lava and corrupted them. With the aid of Talia and Roach, they broke the control of the elementals over the spirits. During the recovery from the battles, the spirits told us that Robin was the one corrupting thus place. He was talking them as a sort of biofule and controlling them. The kid also spoke up this time describing Robin's deeds and some of vile behaviors. What ever suspicions I had also seamed to coincide with Soot, we both called out the kid being the son of Robin. Through alot of back and for, the spirits want to help take down Robin, the kid wants to kill him. We tried to tell him not to. I said even if Robin deserves it, he will regret it one day. Talia wants to talk Robin down, although his knowledge of the machines of the pre blank, he does not deserve it. That man is a murderer and a defiler. His very presence is causing the elemental auras to act up. I agreed to let Talia try her talk, but I secretly hope he's non-compliant. It would be the excuse I need/want to end him my self. Defilers do not deserve to live, murderers don't deserve to live, and as a bonus I can stop the kid going down his own destructive path.