Lessette Flare

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lessette Flare is in excellent physical condition, possessing remarkable fitness, agility, and endurance. Her body is lean and well-toned, reflecting years of rigorous training and exploration. She is free from any aids, abnormalities, illnesses, or afflictions.

Body Features

Lessette has an athletic build with a graceful posture. Her skin is fair, often tanned from exposure to the elements. She bears a few minor scars earned during her adventures.

Facial Features

Her face is framed by fiery red hair, and she has piercing emerald-green eyes that radiate determination. Her high cheekbones and a strong jawline add to her striking appearance.

Identifying Characteristics

Lessette is often recognized by her distinctive Aetherwings insignia pendant, which she wears proudly. She also has a small birthmark in the shape of a crescent moon on her left wrist.

Physical quirks

Lessette has a habit of tapping her fingers rhythmically when deep in thought or planning. She also tends to stand with her weight evenly distributed on both feet, ready for action at a moment's notice.

Special abilities

Lessette possesses exceptional agility and reflexes, making her a formidable acrobat and duelist. She has a deep connection with the elemental spirits of Umbricrealm Dominion, granting her limited control over shadows and the ability to harness shadow magic for stealth and combat.

Apparel & Accessories

Lessette typically wears a practical adventurer's attire, including a dark leather jacket, sturdy trousers, and comfortable boots suitable for traversing diverse terrains. She carries a utility belt with various tools and pouches for supplies. Her most cherished accessory is the Aetherwings insignia pendant, a symbol of her dedication to the organization.

Specialized Equipment

Lessette carries a versatile multipurpose aether-infused gauntlet, a technological marvel of Umbricrealm Dominion that enhances her abilities during exploration and combat. She also wields a custom-crafted shadowsteel rapier, a weapon finely tuned for precision and agility.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lessette Flare was born and raised in Umbricrealm Dominion, where she developed an early fascination with shadows and the mysteries of the twilight kingdom. Her parents, both scholars and practitioners of shadow magic, nurtured her curiosity and encouraged her to explore the secrets of Aetheria. From a young age, Lessette was drawn to ancient manuscripts and artifacts, spending hours studying them in her family's dimly lit library.   As she grew older, Lessette's passion for uncovering hidden knowledge led her to join the Aetherwings, a renowned treasure hunting group. With the Aetherwings, she embarked on numerous expeditions across Aetheria, delving into long-forgotten ruins, deciphering cryptic inscriptions, and acquiring rare relics. Her expertise in shadow magic and her dedication to preserving Umbricrealm's secrets earned her the title of "Shadow Maven" among her peers.   Lessette's journey with the Aetherwings also led her to cross paths with adventurers from various backgrounds, each with their own unique skills and abilities. She forged lasting bonds with her fellow treasure hunters and became a respected member of the group.


As a lesbian, Lessette discovered her romantic and emotional attractions to women early in her life.


Lessette's education began in the Umbricrealm Dominion's esteemed Shadow Academy, where she honed her skills in shadow manipulation and arcane arts. Her thirst for knowledge led her to explore ancient tomes, delve into hidden libraries, and seek tutelage from shadow elders.


After completing her formal education, Lessette Flare became a respected instructor at the Shadow Academy. She shared her expertise in shadow magic with aspiring young shadowweavers, nurturing the next generation of arcane talents.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Lessette's mastery of shadow magic allowed her to unravel long-lost secrets of Umbricrealm's ancient shadow techniques, earning her a reputation as a skilled practitioner.
  • She played a pivotal role in discovering a forgotten shadow leyline, which enhanced the dominion's access to shadow magic, benefiting both its residents and her fellow mages.
  • Lessette's contributions to shadow research led to the development of new spells and rituals, further solidifying her legacy within the dominion.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • During her early studies, Lessette struggled to control her magical abilities, leading to some accidental outbursts of shadow energy. These incidents embarrassed her but also taught her valuable lessons in discipline.
  • She faced setbacks in deciphering certain ancient shadow manuscripts, causing moments of frustration and self-doubt.

Intellectual Characteristics

Lessette possesses a sharp intellect, with a keen analytical mind that allows her to unravel complex magical theories. She is patient and persistent in her pursuit of knowledge, never shying away from a challenging problem.

Morality & Philosophy

Lessette adheres to a moral code centered on respecting individuality, embracing diversity, and nurturing the talents of others. Her philosophy emphasizes the value of learning and teaching, as well as the importance of balance in the use of shadow magic.


In the Umbricrealm Dominion, the misuse of shadow magic for personal gain or harm to others is considered a grave taboo. Lessette firmly adheres to this belief and advocates for responsible and ethical use of arcane powers.

Personality Characteristics


Lessette Flare is driven by a relentless desire to uncover the hidden mysteries of Umbricrealm Dominion and the broader world of Aetheria. She seeks to protect her homeland from external threats and to preserve its ancient knowledge. Additionally, her loyalty to the Aetherwings and her desire to help fellow adventurers achieve greatness fuel her determination.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Savvies: Lessette is a masterful navigator, capable of charting complex courses through the shifting sky islands. She excels in stealth and subterfuge, making her an adept infiltrator. Her knowledge of Umbricrealmian culture and history is unmatched.
  • Ineptitudes: Lessette struggles with technology and machinery, often relying on others for technical expertise. She can be overly cautious at times, leading to missed opportunities for exploration.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Likes: Lessette enjoys stargazing, appreciating the celestial beauty of Aetheria. She relishes quiet moments of reflection in Umbricrealm's twilight. She has a fondness for ancient texts and artifacts.
  • Dislikes: Lessette dislikes unnecessary conflict and violence. She has a strong aversion to those who exploit the secrets of Umbricrealm Dominion for personal gain. She also dislikes overly crowded and noisy environments.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Determination: Lessette's unwavering determination drives her to overcome challenges and obstacles.
  • Loyalty: She is fiercely loyal to her homeland and the Aetherwings, putting their interests above her own.
  • Resourcefulness: Lessette excels at improvising and finding solutions in dire situations.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Stubbornness: Her determination can sometimes manifest as stubbornness, making it difficult for her to change her mind once she has made a decision.
  • Secretiveness: Lessette has a tendency to keep her true feelings and motivations hidden, even from close friends.
  • Impulsiveness: In her pursuit of knowledge and adventure, she may sometimes act without fully thinking through the consequences.

Personality Quirks

  • Lessette has a habit of absentmindedly twirling a strand of her fiery red hair when deep in thought.
  • She often carries a small, leather-bound journal to record her observations and findings during her travels.
  • Lessette is known to leave small trinkets or symbols as markers to guide her way in unfamiliar territory, a practice she learned from Umbricrealmian folklore.


Contacts & Relations

Lessette maintains strong ties with the Aetherwings and her fellow adventurers. She has built a network of contacts among scholars, historians, and treasure hunters who share her passion for uncovering Aetheria's mysteries. Her affiliation with Umbricrealm Dominion also grants her access to its resources and knowledge.

Family Ties

Lessette's family ties are centered within Umbricrealm Dominion. She has a close relationship with her parents, who still reside in Umbricrealm, and occasionally visits her hometown to reconnect with her roots.

Religious Views

Lessette does not adhere to a specific religious doctrine but holds deep respect for the elemental forces that shape Aetheria. She views the elemental spirits and the balance of the elements with reverence.

Social Aptitude

Lessette possesses moderate charisma and confidence, particularly when discussing topics related to Aetheria, Umbricrealm Dominion, or her adventures. She is generally well-mannered and respectful but can be reserved and secretive, especially when it comes to her personal motivations.


Lessette has a habit of lightly tapping her fingers when deep in thought, a gesture she picked up during her studies of ancient texts. She tends to maintain eye contact during conversations, giving her an air of focused intensity.

Hobbies & Pets

Lessette does not have any pets due to her frequent travels. Her hobbies include stargazing, studying ancient manuscripts, and exploring hidden corners of Aetheria. She also enjoys practicing shadow magic and experimenting with new spells in her spare time.


Lessette speaks with a calm and measured tone of voice. She has a slight Umbricrealmian accent, which becomes more pronounced when she's excited or passionate about a topic. Her speech is often laced with metaphors related to shadows, stars, and the mysteries of Aetheria. She rarely resorts to swearing and prefers to use polite and formal language in most situations.

Wealth & Financial state

Lessette Flare is of moderate financial means. She earns her income primarily through her adventures with the Aetherwings and by selling rare artifacts and knowledge she acquires during her travels. Her wealth is used to fund her expeditions and support her research.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lessette Flare holds the title of "Shadow Maven" within Umbricrealm Dominion for her expertise in shadow magic and her dedication to preserving the kingdom's secrets. She is also known as a "Sky Scholar" among the Aetherwings due to her extensive knowledge of Aetheria.
Circumstances of Birth
Lessette Flare's birth was considered a significant event in Umbricrealm Dominion, as she was born during a rare alignment of the elemental forces.
Umbral Glade, Umbricrealm Dominion
Current Residence
Skyhold, the Aetherwings' headquarters.
Androgynous, exuding a strong and confident aura
the color of a clear summer sky
Fiery red, shoulder-length, often tied in a practical bun for adventuring, high-quality.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
essette Flare has fair and unblemished skin, as befitting an adventurer who spends much of her time exploring the skies. Her skin is lightly tanned from sun exposure.
170 cm (5 feet 7 inches).
60 kg (132 lb), carried with grace and athleticism
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "In the shadows, secrets await. Let's uncover them together."
  • "To soar among the clouds is to touch the very essence of Aetheria."
  • "Adventure is the heartbeat of life, and I intend to keep it racing."
Pantheistic reverence for the elemental spirits of Aetheria
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Apart from the common language of Umbricrealm Dominion, Lessette is proficient in ancient scripts related to shadow magic and can communicate with other shadowweavers from different regions who share her passion for the arcane.
Character Prototype
Lessette Flare draws inspiration from iconic characters like Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider series and Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn. She combines the tenacity of a skilled adventurer with a deep connection to the mystical aspects of her world, much like the heroines who inspired her.