Savis Scalemaim Cravenwing

Savis Scalemaim Cravenwing (a.k.a. "Scales")

Savis Scalemaim Cravenwing, with his elven grace and iridescent scales, soared through the skies of Aetheria like a living legend. His emerald eyes, ever determined, scanned the horizon as his wings sliced through the boundless heavens. In the heart of adventure, he found solace, his past of rejection forgotten in the endless wonder of the floating islands.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Savis Scalemaim Cravenwing is in excellent physical condition, reflecting the rigorous training and active lifestyle he leads as a member of the Aetherwings. His physique is characterized by a lean and agile build, showcasing a balance of strength and speed. His fitness and agility are exceptional, honed through years of navigating the challenging terrain of the Terravale Republic and the floating sky islands of Aetheria. He possesses a remarkable endurance, often being the last one standing in the heat of battle, a testament to his unwavering determination and commitment to protecting his companions.   Despite his physical prowess, Savis bears several identifying features and abnormalities that set him apart. His most prominent feature is his unique Half-Dragon heritage, which manifests in subtle, iridescent scales that adorn his fair skin. These scales are strategically scattered across his body, particularly on his forearms, shins, shoulders, and along his back. They shimmer in the light, giving him an otherworldly and ethereal appearance. Additionally, he possesses an elongated, elegant pair of wings sprouting from his back. These wings have a membrane-like structure, making them not only striking but also functional for gliding and aerial maneuvers. A short, sleek tail extends from the base of his spine, another distinctive feature that reinforces his Half-Dragon lineage.   His scars, acquired through numerous battles and acts of protection, crisscross his body, a testament to his unwavering dedication to shielding others from harm. These scars are scattered across his form, each telling a story of a time when he put himself in harm's way to safeguard his companions, even if they were not receptive to his actions afterward. These physical reminders of his sacrifices serve as a poignant symbol of his character and his commitment to his ideals.

Body Features

Savis's facial features are both striking and captivating. His face possesses an elven-like beauty, with high cheekbones that add an elegant touch to his countenance. His expressive almond-shaped eyes are a mesmerizing shade of emerald green, often described as intense and captivating. These eyes have an openness that conveys alertness and vigilance, always ready to assess his surroundings and protect those in his charge.   His nose is straight and refined, fitting well with his overall facial symmetry. A strong jawline gives him an air of determination, and his lips are typically set in a firm line, adding to his stoic and resolute demeanor. His pointed ears, a characteristic feature of the elven aspect of his heritage, frame his face, adding to his ethereal appearance. Tousled auburn hair falls gracefully around his face and shoulders, completing the picture of an enigmatic and alluring character.

Facial Features

Savis's facial features are both striking and captivating. His face possesses an elven-like beauty, with high cheekbones that add an elegant touch to his countenance. His expressive almond-shaped eyes are a mesmerizing shade of emerald green, often described as intense and captivating. These eyes have an openness that conveys alertness and vigilance, always ready to assess his surroundings and protect those in his charge.   His nose is straight and refined, fitting well with his overall facial symmetry. A strong jawline gives him an air of determination, and his lips are typically set in a firm line, adding to his stoic and resolute demeanor. His pointed ears, a characteristic feature of the elven aspect of his heritage, frame his face, adding to his ethereal appearance. Tousled auburn hair falls gracefully around his face and shoulders, completing the picture of an enigmatic and alluring character.   These facial features, combined with his unique Half-Dragon heritage, create a striking and memorable appearance that sets him apart in the world of Aetheria.

Identifying Characteristics

Several identifying features set Savis apart from others in Aetheria. The most distinctive are his Half-Dragon characteristics, which include subtle, iridescent scales that adorn his skin, an elongated pair of wings sprouting from his back, and a short, sleek tail extending from the base of his spine. These features are a testament to his unique lineage and serve as a constant reminder of his otherworldly heritage.   In addition to his Half-Dragon traits, the scars he carries all over his body serve as identifying marks, each telling a story of his selfless acts of protection and sacrifice. These scars are a physical testament to his commitment to shielding others, even if they were initially unreceptive or ungrateful for his actions.

Physical quirks

Savis's physical quirks are often related to his Half-Dragon lineage and his role as a protector. His wings and tail, while striking, require careful management to avoid accidents or unintended contact. He is adept at folding his wings tightly against his back when not in use, and he has developed a habit of gently flicking his tail when deep in thought or when expressing strong emotions. These quirks serve as a reminder of his unique identity and his constant readiness for action.

Special abilities

Savis possesses several special abilities related to his Half-Dragon heritage and his role as an earthshaper. His most notable ability is stone shaping, which allows him to manipulate natural rocks and minerals to create barriers, structures, and even offensive constructs. His control over the earth element is precise and potent, making him a formidable protector and combatant.   His wings grant him the ability to glide and maneuver gracefully through the skies, providing a significant advantage in aerial battles and exploration. He can also generate earth-based magic to bolster his defenses and enhance his physical abilities, such as strength and endurance.

Apparel & Accessories

Savis's choice of apparel is practical and functional, reflecting his role as an adventurer and protector. He typically wears dark-colored, form-fitting pants and tunics that allow for ease of movement. Leather belts and pouches accessorize his attire, providing storage for essential items such as tools for stone shaping and provisions for his journeys. His clothing is designed for durability, able to withstand the rigors of exploration and combat.   He also carries a pendant, a small gemstone in a simple setting, which serves as a personal keepsake. The gemstone is a deep emerald green, reminiscent of his eye color, and it holds sentimental value, reminding him of his past and motivating him to protect and cherish the present.

Specialized Equipment

As a member of the Aetherwings and an earthshaper, Savis possesses specialized equipment for his adventures. He carries a set of stone-shaping tools, including chisels, hammers, and a pouch of enchanted crystals that amplify his stone manipulation abilities. These tools allow him to craft protective barriers, sturdy structures, and even offensive constructs from the natural rocks and minerals found in Aetheria.   In battle, he wields a trusty earthshaper's staff, a weapon designed both for striking foes and channeling his elemental powers. The staff is intricately carved with runes and symbols related to the earth element, further enhancing his stone shaping abilities.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Savis Scalemaim Cravenwing's personal history is marked by a turbulent and challenging journey. He was born into the Terravale Republic, a realm deeply attuned to the Elemental Law of Earth, yet his unique Half-Dragon heritage made him an outcast from the moment he came into the world. His parents, Arin and Lirael Cravenwing, cast him aside due to the stigma associated with his appearance, an experience that left deep emotional scars. Abandoned and rejected, he grew up as an orphan in the Terravale Republic, forging his own path in the majestic forests and towering mountains of the floating sky islands.

Gender Identity

Savis's understanding of gender aligns with the traditional binary concept of male and female as prevalent in the Terravale Republic. While he identifies as male, his unique Half-Dragon characteristics, such as scales, tail, and wings, sometimes lead others to perceive him differently. In his society, gender identity is tied to physical appearance and roles, and Savis navigates these norms while embracing his own sense of self.


Savis's approach to sexuality and sexual orientation is influenced by his commitment to protecting others. He views personal relationships as secondary to his mission of safeguarding his companions and achieving their shared goals. While he acknowledges the complexities of attraction, his focus on justice and duty often takes precedence over matters of romance or sexuality. He is, in essence, more dedicated to his role as a guardian than pursuing romantic interests.


His education was primarily self-driven and experiential, honed through survival in the wilderness of the Terravale Republic. He learned to harness the Elemental Law of Earth and stone shaping techniques, becoming adept at crafting protective barriers and sturdy structures. His combat skills were developed through practical experience gained during explorations and battles against skyborne threats.


Savis's employment history revolves around his role as a member of the treasure-hunting group, the Aetherwings. He joined the Aetherwings as a young adult, finding acceptance and camaraderie among the group. His employment has been marked by daring expeditions, the exploration of hidden wonders, and the pursuit of treasure amidst the floating islands of Aetheria.

Accomplishments & Achievements

His greatest accomplishments include his role in the protection and support of his fellow Aetherwings during perilous expeditions. He has a reputation for unwavering dedication and bravery in the face of danger, earning him the trust and respect of his companions.

Failures & Embarrassments

Savis's most significant failure lies in the inability to mend the rift with his birth family, who cast him aside at birth. Despite his unwavering commitment to justice and protection, he has been unable to bridge the emotional chasm that separates him from his blood relatives.

Mental Trauma

The trauma of abandonment and rejection by his family left deep emotional scars on Savis. He struggles with feelings of inadequacy and vulnerability, which he often hides behind his gruff and cynical exterior. This emotional trauma continues to shape his character and motivations.

Intellectual Characteristics

Savis possesses keen observation skills, honed through years of survival in the wilderness. He is a quick thinker, able to adapt to changing situations, and his stone shaping abilities demonstrate a strong grasp of practical and elemental knowledge.

Morality & Philosophy

Savis adheres to a strong sense of justice and righteousness. His philosophy centers on doing what he believes is right, even when it means challenging societal norms or risking personal safety. He values the protection of the vulnerable and the pursuit of justice above all else.


One of Savis's taboos is the abandonment of those in need. He cannot abide by the idea of leaving someone behind, regardless of the circumstances. This deeply ingrained principle guides his actions and decisions.

Personality Characteristics


Savis Scalemaim Cravenwing's primary motivation is driven by his unwavering commitment to protecting others and doing what he believes is right. His desire to shield his companions and the vulnerable from harm is the driving force behind his actions. He prioritizes justice and duty above all else, seeking to ensure that no one suffers the way he did when he was abandoned by his family. The scars that cover his body serve as constant reminders of his motivation and the sacrifices he is willing to make for the greater good. Savis's ultimate goal is to create a safer and more just world, where no one is left behind or subjected to injustice.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savis's greatest strength lies in his ability to protect and shield others from harm. He is a skilled earthshaper, capable of manipulating natural rocks and minerals to create barriers, structures, and defensive constructs. His stone shaping abilities are precise and potent, making him a formidable protector and guardian.   However, his stubbornness and unwavering commitment to justice can sometimes lead to conflicts with others who have different priorities or perspectives. While he excels in physical combat, he may struggle with more nuanced social interactions, particularly when it comes to reconciling his cynical exterior with his genuine desire to help others. Additionally, his tendency to put himself in harm's way, even when it may not be the most strategic decision, can be seen as a potential ineptitude in certain situations.

Likes & Dislikes

Savis takes great pleasure in the serene beauty of the Terravale Republic and the floating sky islands of Aetheria. He enjoys spending time in the majestic forests and towering mountains, finding solace and inspiration in nature's wonders. He has a deep appreciation for the craftsmanship of stone sculptures and the artistry of earthshapers, as it reflects his connection to the earth element.   On the flip side, he dislikes injustice, cruelty, and anyone who would willingly harm the innocent. He has a particular aversion to those who abandon or betray their companions, as it triggers painful memories of his own abandonment. He is also not fond of arrogance or those who prioritize personal gain over the welfare of others.

Virtues & Personality perks

Savis's virtues are rooted in his commitment to justice, protection, and doing what he believes is right. He possesses unwavering determination and courage, willing to face danger head-on to shield others from harm. His loyalty to his companions is unshakable, and he is known for his reliability and dependability. His stone shaping abilities and Half-Dragon heritage give him a unique set of strengths, allowing him to craft protective barriers and structures while also providing aerial support through his wings.

Vices & Personality flaws

One of Savis's notable flaws is his cynicism, which often manifests as a gruff and sometimes abrasive demeanor. While he is motivated by a desire to do what's right, his attitude can make it difficult for others to connect with him on a personal level. His stubbornness and unwavering commitment to his ideals can also lead to conflicts and make it challenging for him to compromise when necessary.   Savis's past trauma of abandonment has left emotional scars that can sometimes affect his judgment and decision-making. His overwhelming need to protect others, even when it may not be the most strategic choice, can be seen as a flaw in certain situations.

Personality Quirks

One of Savis's quirks is his habit of gently flicking his tail when deep in thought or when expressing strong emotions. This quirk is a physical manifestation of his Half-Dragon lineage and serves as a reminder of his unique identity. Additionally, when he is focused on stone shaping, his eyes emit a faint emerald glow, a subtle sign of his connection to the earth element.


Savis maintains a level of personal hygiene appropriate for an adventurer and protector. While his daily life often involves exposure to rugged terrain and battles, he takes care to keep himself clean and groomed when circumstances allow. He appreciates the feeling of being refreshed after a thorough wash and values the practicality of maintaining hygiene, especially during extended journeys in the wilderness.



As an adventurer and member of the Aetherwings, Savis does not have a formal reign or rule to speak of. However, his memorable moments are etched into the annals of the Aetherwings' history. One of his most memorable moments was during a perilous expedition to retrieve a legendary artifact from a treacherous sky ruin. Despite facing formidable foes and near-impossible odds, Savis led his team to success, securing the artifact and ensuring it didn't fall into the wrong hands. His reign, in this sense, has lasted for several years as he continues to embark on daring expeditions and adventures.

Contacts & Relations

Savis's closest contacts and relations are within the Aetherwings, his treasure-hunting group. He shares strong bonds with his fellow Aetherwings, relying on them for support and companionship during their dangerous expeditions. Chancellor Eldrinn Earthshaper of the Terravale Republic is another significant figure in his life, as Eldrinn's wise leadership has guided the kingdom in a sustainable and responsible direction.   Additionally, Savis has formed alliances with skilled earthshapers and stone singers within the Terravale Republic, often collaborating on projects or sharing knowledge related to earth manipulation and elemental magic. These connections further reinforce his commitment to protecting the kingdom and its people.

Family Ties

Savis is an only child who was abandoned by his family when he was born, leading to his deep-seated desire to protect and care for others. He has no known living family members or direct ties to his ancestral lineage. Instead, his family ties are formed through the bonds he shares with the Aetherwings, who have become like a surrogate family to him.

Religious Views

Savis does not hold strong religious views, but he possesses a deep reverence for the earth elements and nature. He believes in the importance of maintaining balance and harmony with the natural world, which aligns with the elemental practices and beliefs of the Terravale Republic. While not a devout follower of any specific deity or religious tradition, he respects the earth spirits and the wisdom of the land.

Social Aptitude

Savis's social aptitude can be described as a mix of charisma, confidence, and introversion. While he may come across as gruff or cynical at times, he possesses a quiet charisma that draws people to him. His confidence stems from his unwavering commitment to protecting others, and this resolute nature can inspire trust and respect. However, he tends to be introverted and reserved, often more comfortable in the company of close friends and fellow adventurers than in large social gatherings. His etiquette and mannerisms are practical and straightforward, reflecting his down-to-earth nature.


One of Savis's notable mannerisms is the gentle flicking of his tail when deep in thought or when expressing strong emotions. This quirk is a physical manifestation of his Half-Dragon lineage and serves as a reminder of his unique identity. Additionally, he has a habit of assessing his surroundings and allies with a vigilant gaze, which can be seen as a protective gesture.

Hobbies & Pets

Savis does not have any pets, as his adventurous lifestyle and frequent travels make it challenging to care for animals. However, his hobbies include stone shaping and earth manipulation, which he practices as both a skill and a form of meditation. He enjoys creating intricate sculptures and defensive structures from natural rocks and minerals, finding solace in the act of shaping the earth.


Savis's tone of voice is typically calm and composed, reflecting his steadfast nature. He speaks with a moderate pitch and a clear, articulate manner. His accent carries the subtle traces of the Terravale Republic's regional dialect, which can be recognized by its melodic cadence and earth-themed vocabulary. He rarely uses metaphors or flowery language, preferring direct and concise communication. In terms of swearing, he refrains from using offensive language and instead expresses frustration or anger through stern words and expressions. Greetings and farewells are typically simple and polite, with a nod or a handshake being his preferred way of acknowledging others.

Wealth & Financial state

Savis's wealth can be described as moderate. As a member of the Aetherwings, he earns a share of the group's profits from treasure hunting and exploration. This income allows him to maintain his equipment, cover living expenses, and contribute to the group's expenses. However, his wealth is primarily tied to the assets and treasures he acquires during adventures. He does not have significant debts or financial dependencies, preferring to live a modest and practical lifestyle. His primary investments are in his own skills and equipment, ensuring he can continue to protect and support his companions.
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Savis Scalemaim Cravenwing does not hold any official titles or noble distinctions. He prefers to be recognized by his actions and deeds rather than formal titles or honorifics. Among the Aetherwings, he is simply known as "Savis" or occasionally referred to as "Guardian Savis" due to his protective nature within the group.
Savis Scalemaim Cravenwing presents himself with a mixture of masculine and androgynous elements. His choice of attire and overall demeanor leans toward practicality and functionality, reflecting his readiness for adventure and combat.
Savis Scalemaim Cravenwing's eyes are a mesmerizing shade of emerald green. They are of average size and have an almond shape, giving them an expressive and intense quality. His eyes are often open wide, conveying a sense of alertness and vigilance.
Savis's tousled auburn hair adds a touch of warmth to his appearance. It is of medium length, falling to just below his shoulders. He doesn't engage in elaborate styling, preferring a natural, windswept look.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
His skin, adorned with subtle, iridescent scales, is fair with a light tan. The scales are scattered across his body, particularly on his forearms, shins, shoulders, and along his back. While some areas bear noticeable scales
168 cm, 1.68 meters or 5 feet 6 inches
approximately 70 kilograms (154 pounds)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Even if they hate me for it, I'll never abandon someone in need." "Justice may be blind, but I'm not." "Protecting others is my purpose, and I won't waver." "Scars are just proof that I'm doing what's right." "In the face of danger, I'll be the last one standing." "Actions speak louder than words, especially in battle." "We all carry burdens; mine just happens to be a little heavier."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Savis is fluent in the common language of the Terravale Republic and possesses a basic understanding of elemental languages related to earth and stone, allowing him to communicate with elemental beings and creatures. His linguistic skills are primarily focused on practical communication required for his role as a protector and adventurer in Aetheria.
Character Prototype
Savis Scalemaim Cravenwing embodies the archetype of the steadfast protector and guardian. He draws inspiration from characters like Aragorn from "The Lord of the Rings," who is unwavering in his commitment to defending others, and Zuko from "Avatar: The Last Airbender," who undergoes a journey of self-discovery and redemption. Savis's character prototype combines elements of resilience, determination, and the pursuit of justice, all wrapped in the intriguing package of a Half-Dragon with an elven-like appearance. His scars, physical quirks, and unique abilities make him a memorable and complex character in the world of Aetheria.