Shurr Loche

Shurr Loche

Growing up an orphan in the Flarethorn Kingdom, Shurr never had a role model to look up to and learn from. Shurr would steal and beg not just for food but books, parchments, writing utensils and anything they could get their hands on to learn, grow, and at least mentally escape from a tough life on the streets of the small city they lived in. Shurr would often peek through the windows of the small academy in the city or disguise themselves as a custodian, taking notes and absorbing all they could about skyruins, Aetherian culture, legends, and lore. Growing more and more fascinated as each day passed. Such was life for Shurr until they were discovered by their mentor, Waat Sinn, whilst in the middle of a passionate, three hour long lecture about how important it was to uncover the truth of the Blackout of Information to a few alley rats and a guard who had simply asked what they were doing in the alleyway. Waat asked Shurr to become a Ruin Scholar apprentice and Shurr hasn't looked back since, firmly believing they have much to contribute, truth and knowledge to find, and share with the people of Aetheria.
Chaotic Good
Light Purple
Short purple hair, shaved on the sides with two horns curved backwards. The left horn has a crack in it running from the base to the tip.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Purple hues
Aligned Organization
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