

Soot was a creation of a scientist, an "artificial aetherforged", a being that brought all the inherent power of an aetherforged into a mechanical frame, twisting their strength into something usable by anyone willing to pay for their construction. The plan, however, fell through, as by the time they were made, the conflicts they were designed for had already ended. From there, more were made by those wanting to perfect on their design, or make them on commission.   Soot, or P-33, is a modern prototype created to be a soldier capable of easily working alongside others. Nobody was willing to purchase this prototype, though the military of Terravale was willing to employ him, paying him a basic wage at first. At the military, they found out that Soot was fascinated by artillery, from cannons, to howitzers, to mortars, Soot was willing to learn everything and anything they could about it.   From there, it wasn't long till Soot was brought into the skyshatterers, their lack of experience counteracted by their near encyclopaedic knowledge of siege weaponry. It's here where Soot got his name, as they were found constantly maintaining the guns they were assigned to, constantly covered in soot.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Soot's own gender identity as both simultaneously very complicated, and violently simple. Soot goes by They/Him pronouns by the simple reasoning of it being what people use for him to begin with. Soot themselves doesn't really identify as any gender, but doesn't quite identify as non-binary either. 
To put it simply, Soot doesn't identify at all, Soot simply is.


Soot is asexual. They don't feel any real attraction towards others, and don't feel the need to.

Soot is an artificial aetherforged, a marvel of creation forged for war. Soot however, merely wishes to see the world in all its majesty. They wish to see all the mechanical wonders ever invented.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
5 years
Black sclera with yellow "pupils"
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Blackened metal, like tarnished silver
Related Plots

Soot's Journal, Session 5

I have decided that I like fireworks! They remind me a lot of rocket based airburst munitions, and I would not be surprised if they are somehow from the same source of knowledge. They were fascinating to look at, and everyone else at the festival seemed to like them too! It was nice seeing usage of artillery for something unrelated to violence, it goes to show that even if we were able to live in a truly peaceful world, there's still a place for such things.   We also got to explore the catacombs, which was a very interesting glimpse into the local culture. The puzzles we faced at first I struggled with a bit, but it turns out I was just overthinking things, they weren't actually that hard once we got a hang of things. It ended with a fight against an ice elemental, which while it was a bit scary, the fight was a very good test of my new combat sub-routines, and I was able to inflict a large amount of damage to it, and I got to help my friends! As it turns out, it was only a test and nobody was ever in any real danger, but I was still a bit annoyed, Lee got very hurt during that fight and I was worried that he might not make it.   We were rewarded after though, and I got some *very* interesting blueprints for a elemental based artillery piece! I just wish my friends didn't have to get hurt to get it...

Soot's Journal, Session 4

Things have been quite eventful for us today! Sadly it wasn't good events, as our ship has crashed on a small island in the Hydraok Dominion, a place called Aquaveil. Apparently the crash was caused by some sort of large insect that eats metal, but I didn't get a particularly good look at it. Once I heard that, I thought it was probably best to keep my distance, as well as keeping an eye on the ship's artillery. The bad news is a lot of our cannons are out of commission for the time being, so I'll have to keep an eye out for anyone who looks like they could help me repair them quickly, otherwise we're wide open to aerial attacks, something that I can't just neglect, any good Skyshatter would never let something like that go unfixed.   Besides all this, we've decided to busy ourselves in the mean time, helping with some sort of local festival or event, I'm not really sure as to the specifics, but I got to help! I set up the fireworks cannons securely to make sure they'll preform their job properly with no chance of danger in their operation, and I got to talk all about it with a nice man called Luke! He's quite sick, but he still was able to talk to me for a long time! I wonder what being sick feels like?

Soot's Journal, Session 3

We fought a massive construct today! It was a giant rock snake, powered by some kind of gem and filled with some strange sort of meat. The fight was closer than I would have liked, I struggled to hit the construct as often as I would have personally liked, and my friends got very badly hurt during the fight, both Talia and Lee were knocked down to the floor, and I was worried that they might have died. Thankfully, they didn't take any lasting damage! In the future I must take greater care in landing my blows, the quicker I can deal with such threats, the safer everyone will be!   On the plus side, after the fight I found some stone plate armour, something that everyone allowed me to take. It took some time to attach it to my body, but now that it's done I should be able to face a lot more damage than I used to! The armour is rather heavy but luckily my frame has been reinforced to carry much more weight than others might be able to. Another bit of good news is that I found quite a few aether crystals, so I won't have problems in keeping myself powered for quite a long time!   It was a worrying day, but all in all, we learned a lot, and I think, became better for it!

Soot's Journal, Session 2

Today was the first day of a new adventure! I met up with my friends who were already ahead in the temple, and they helped me clean off those needles that came out of nowhere. I'm thankful that they all seemed okay, I would have felt terrible if someone was hurt because of my absence.   I pushed forward for the others as we moved along, luckily there were no further traps, but we did meet a strange spirit! I didn't quite understand what was going on, as it was hostile at first (and incredibly resistant to the shells from the repeater cannon, I will have to research if anything can be done to increase their effectiveness in the future against spirits, it just doesn't feel right for a round of such calibre to be so ineffective!), but thankfully the others were able to talk it down! I'm grateful to be surrounded by such smart friends!   Once the spirit let us past, we faced the guardian of this temple, a giant emerald serpent. I wasn't expecting to fight such dangerous foes so quickly, but I suppose such targets are the true test of a Skyshatterer's equipment. Like I was taught, there is never truly such thing as an "excessive use of firepower" when lives are on the line!