Xiu Mei (Zhyoo May)

Xiu Mei Nereus

In the aqueous embrace of the Hydrarok Dominion, Xiu Mei's life is intertwined with the ebb and flow of water magic. As a scion of the Nereus family, her connection to the aquatic elements runs deep. With every ripple and wave, she seeks to uncover the ancient wisdom hidden beneath the kingdom's shimmering surface.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Xiu Mei Nereus possesses a lean and athletic physique. She is agile and exhibits no significant health issues. Her body is well-tuned, a reflection of her dedication to physical and magical training.

Body Features

Xiu Mei's body features are notable for their natural grace and elegance. She carries herself with a dignified posture, typical of those from her esteemed family. Her skin is lightly tanned, glistening like the surface of the sea when kissed by the sun's rays. It is smooth and devoid of any blemishes. Her hair, waist-length and flowing like cascading waves, is one of her most striking physical attributes. The hues range from varying shades of blue to green, much like the changing colors of the ocean. Her eyes, algae-green and subtly luminescent, harmonize with her connection to water. A slender, lithe figure adds to her overall appearance of fluidity and grace.

Facial Features

Xiu Mei's face is a vision of serene beauty, marked by high cheekbones and a sense of calm that radiates from her eyes. Her features are delicate and almost ethereal. Her lips, a soft shade of coral pink, are often curved into a contemplative or peaceful smile, mirroring the tranquil nature of the Hydrarok Dominion.

Identifying Characteristics

The most prominent identifying feature of Xiu Mei is her intricate water-themed tattoos that adorn various parts of her body. These tattoos respond to her emotions, shimmering and glistening in harmony with her moods. Her connection to water magic is displayed through these tattoos, which mark her as a water mage and scholar.

Physical quirks

In moments of contemplation or deep thought, Xiu Mei exhibits a recurring physical quirk. She tends to run her fingers through her waist-length hair. It's a habit that reflects her connection to water as well, reminiscent of the way ripples form and flow across the surface of a peaceful lake.

Special abilities

Xiu Mei possesses a wide array of special abilities, all honed in her pursuit of mastering water magic. Her talents in hydrokinesis are the envy of many water mages, and she can manipulate water with remarkable precision. She is adept at creating intricate and beautiful shapes from water, from ephemeral sculptures to intricate water dances that captivate onlookers during Hydrarok Dominion's Waterway Festival.   Her ability to heal through water magic is a cherished skill, often sought after by those in need of soothing relief from ailments or injuries. She can call upon the rejuvenating properties of water, mending injuries and alleviating pain, mirroring the restorative properties of the waters in the kingdom.   Another remarkable skill is her proficiency in elemental law, a form of magic specific to Aetheria. She has a deep understanding of water laws, and her mastery of them has enabled her to make significant contributions to the field of elemental magic. She's particularly renowned for her research on the symbiotic relationship between aquatic creatures and water mages, shedding light on the deep and intricate connections that define the magic of Hydrarok Dominion.   These special abilities, combined with her exceptional insight and analytical thinking, make Xiu Mei an influential figure in the world of water magic. Her intuitive connection to the aquatic realm, her dedication to preserving the kingdom's natural beauty, and her talent for discovering the ancient wisdom hidden beneath the Hydrarok Dominion's shimmering surface have earned her the honorific title of "Scholar of the Tides." Her unique skills and abilities continue to shape her path as a guardian of water magic and a custodian of the Hydrarok Dominion's mystical secrets.

Apparel & Accessories

Xiu Mei is often seen dressed in flowing, aquatic-themed robes that mirror the colors and textures of the Hydrarok Dominion's natural landscape. These robes are not just garments; they are an extension of her identity as a water mage. As an emblem of her status as a scholar, she wears a necklace adorned with a water sapphire amulet. This amulet holds sentimental value and is a family heirloom, a symbol of her lineage's deep connection to the aquatic elements. Additionally, Xiu Mei always carries a water-infused staff that complements her law powers and assists her in her scholarly pursuits. This staff is both a symbol of her role as a water law user and a practical tool she uses in her exploration of elemental mysteries.

Specialized Equipment

Xiu Mei Nereus's specialized equipment plays a crucial role in her role as a water mage and scholar. At her side, she always carries a water-infused staff that enhances her proficiency with water magic. The staff is not merely a tool; it's an extension of herself. Its core is made from a rare aquatic crystal, known as "Nereus's Tear," which is passed down through generations of her family. The crystal is known for its unique ability to channel and amplify the user's water manipulation. Xiu Mei's staff is intricately crafted with swirling patterns and water motifs, alluding to her lineage's connection to the aquatic elements. It has a delicate, azure sapphire adorning its tip, which sparkles and glows in response to the ambient magic within the environment. This staff assists her in both her academic pursuits and her magical practice, allowing her to tap into the water's depths and uncover its ancient mysteries.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Xiu Mei Nereus was born into the prestigious Nereus family, a lineage closely connected to water magic, in the serene embrace of the Hydrarok Dominion. Her life's journey began with a unique, innate connection to water magic, a gift that set her apart from a young age. Growing up within the confines of her family's estate, she was exposed to the traditions and practices of her people from a very young age.   From her earliest memories, Xiu Mei felt a profound resonance with the ebb and flow of water. Her parents recognized her exceptional affinity for water and quickly arranged for her to receive formal training in water manipulation and magic at the esteemed Hydroquell Academy. Under the guidance of seasoned water mages and scholars, Xiu Mei's talents flourished. Her instructors were astounded by her rapid progress and the elegance with which she channeled the power of water. It was during her time at the academy that she began to bear intricate water-themed tattoos, each shimmering in response to her emotions, a symbol of her magical prowess.   Xiu Mei's journey through academia was marked by both academic excellence and personal discovery. She was not content with merely mastering the fundamental aspects of water magic; she sought to delve into the deeper mysteries that the elemental waters of Aetheria held. Her insatiable curiosity led her to engage with ancient texts, deepening her understanding of the symbiotic relationship between water magic and the aquatic world.   As a young adult, Xiu Mei embarked on an expedition to explore the elemental mysteries of Aetheria's waterways, an adventure she considered a rite of passage. These journeys took her to various floating islands within the Hydrarok Dominion, where she encountered numerous aquatic creatures and entities. She formed deep connections with them, seeking to understand their unique bonds with water magic.   Xiu Mei's dedication to her craft earned her recognition as a water law user and scholar. She began contributing to the growing body of knowledge on water magic, authoring several influential texts on the subject. Her writings explored the intricacies of water manipulation and the balance that defined her beloved Hydrarok Dominion. However, this period of her life was also marked by a significant challenge.   During an experimental phase of her studies, Xiu Mei grappled with a particularly challenging water manifestation, one that she had never encountered before. This struggle resulted in an unintended and devastating tidal wave that wreaked havoc on her family's estate. The incident left a lasting mark on Xiu Mei, and she became determined to master this complex aspect of water magic, despite the difficulties it presented.   Xiu Mei's life and magical journey continue, as she balances her scholarly pursuits with her personal quest to uncover the hidden wisdom beneath the shimmering surface of the Hydrarok Dominion. Her connection to water magic and her dedication to understanding the waters of Aetheria drive her onward, guiding her through the ever-flowing currents of her destiny.

Gender Identity

In the Hydrarok Dominion, a realm deeply associated with water magic and the fluidity of aquatic elements, Xiu Mei Nereus's gender identity is a reflection of her culture's unique perspective on gender. While she predominantly identifies as a woman, her view of gender is intrinsically tied to the ever-changing and adaptable nature of water, mirroring her society's open-minded approach to gender.   Xiu Mei embraces the fluidity and non-binary aspects of gender, reflecting the belief that one's gender is not fixed but, like water, can take on different forms. She acknowledges and respects that individuals may experience gender in diverse ways, allowing her to connect with people from various gender backgrounds in a meaningful and empathetic manner.   The culture of the Hydrarok Dominion has a profound influence on her perspective of gender. The kingdom celebrates and values both masculine and feminine qualities equally, recognizing that each individual embodies a unique blend of these traits. Strength, courage, and wisdom are virtues celebrated in everyone, regardless of their gender identity.   Xiu Mei's self-identification aligns with her culture's view of gender as a harmonious coexistence of attributes rather than a strict binary. She appreciates the opportunities her culture affords her to explore and express her gender identity, remaining true to herself as she navigates the flowing waters of her life's journey.


Xiu Mei Nereus's experiences with sexuality are deeply intertwined with the flowing and transformative nature of water that permeates the Hydrarok Dominion, where she hails from. Her view of sexuality aligns with the values and traditions of her culture, emphasizing emotional connections, harmony, and the organic formation of romantic and sexual relationships.   In the Hydrarok Dominion, love and intimacy are often regarded as profound experiences that mirror the ever-changing tides and currents of the ocean. Xiu Mei embraces this perspective, understanding that relationships should flow naturally, free from restrictions or expectations. Her approach to sexuality is marked by openness, empathy, and respect for the diverse ways in which people may express their desires and affections.   As a water mage and scholar dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of water magic, Xiu Mei often draws parallels between the complexities of human connections and the deep, boundless nature of water itself. She believes that like the waves that crash upon the shores of her homeland, relationships should surge with passion and retreat gently with tenderness, mirroring the rhythms of the ocean.   Xiu Mei values genuine emotional connections, considering them the foundation of meaningful relationships. Her approach to romantic and sexual connections involves nurturing trust, empathy, and mutual understanding, fostering an environment where intimacy can flourish naturally and harmoniously.   This perspective extends to both romantic and sexual aspects of her life, enabling her to engage in consensual, meaningful, and emotionally resonant relationships. She does not impose limitations on the gender or identity of her partners, reflecting the Hydrarok Dominion's inclusive and open approach to love and desire.   Xiu Mei's understanding of sexuality is shaped by her unique upbringing, education, and life experiences, making her a compassionate, open-minded, and accepting individual who respects the diverse expressions of love and desire she encounters in her journey through the Hydrarok Dominion and the wider world of Aetheria.


Xiu Mei Nereus's education has played a pivotal role in shaping her into the accomplished water mage and scholar she is today. Born into the prestigious Nereus family of the Hydrarok Dominion, she was immersed in an environment that emphasized the deep connection between the people of the dominion and water magic.   Her formal education commenced at the esteemed Hydroquell Academy, an institution known throughout Aetheria for its dedication to the study of water manipulation, hydrokinesis, and elemental magic. At Hydroquell, young water mages like Xiu Mei were provided with a structured curriculum designed to help them harness the profound powers of the aquatic elements.   Xiu Mei's journey through the academy was marked by a dedication to her studies and a natural aptitude for understanding the intricate relationships between water magic, the elemental laws, and the dominion's unique ecosystem. She displayed an uncanny ability to connect with water on a profound level, demonstrating a deep understanding of how to manipulate its properties and harness its energy.   One of the most memorable aspects of her education was the hands-on training she received in the kingdom's stunning aquatic environments. The Hydrarok Dominion's ethereal floating islands, cascading waterfalls, and tranquil lakes served as her classrooms. She practiced honing her abilities in these breathtaking settings, under the guidance of experienced instructors and mentors.   As she progressed through her academic journey, Xiu Mei excelled at her studies, demonstrating a deep understanding of water magic and its potential applications. She became known for her insight into the ancient water laws and her ability to tap into the essence of the aquatic elements that surrounded her homeland.   Upon completing her formal education at Hydroquell Academy, Xiu Mei embarked on a personal journey to explore the elemental mysteries of Aetheria's waterways. This expedition allowed her to further expand her knowledge of water magic, observing its manifestations in various regions and deepening her connection to the elemental forces she had studied throughout her life.   Xiu Mei's education was not limited to academic knowledge alone. Her upbringing in the Nereus family instilled her with a sense of responsibility and reverence for the dominion's natural beauty. She learned the importance of stewardship and environmental preservation, instilling in her a commitment to safeguarding the wondrous aquatic realms that her people called home.   In this way, her education was a holistic one, encompassing not only the theoretical and practical aspects of water magic but also the cultural values and ethical principles that guided her people's relationship with their elemental surroundings. This comprehensive education became a foundation for her scholarly pursuits and her quest to uncover the mysteries of water magic hidden beneath the kingdom's shimmering surface.


Xiu Mei serves as a water law user and scholar, dedicating her life to unraveling the secrets of water laws and exploring the mystical depths of the Hydrarok Dominion.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Xiu Mei has made significant contributions to the understanding of water magic, authoring several influential texts on the subject. She's known for her discoveries regarding the symbiotic relationship between aquatic creatures and water mages.

Failures & Embarrassments

For all her accomplishments and contributions to the field of water magic, Xiu Mei Nereus carries with her the weight of a significant failure from her past. This failure is a deeply personal and traumatic incident that continues to affect her, reminding her of the destructive potential of her own abilities.   The incident occurred during her youth, while she was still a student at Hydroquell Academy. At that time, Xiu Mei was a promising young water mage, known for her natural talent and dedication to her studies. However, the incident would reveal the challenges and responsibilities that came with her unique powers.   During one of her advanced training sessions, she was attempting to master a complex water manifestation technique involving the manipulation of tides and currents. The exercise aimed to showcase her mastery over water magic, and she approached it with both enthusiasm and ambition.   Unfortunately, something went terribly wrong. As Xiu Mei concentrated on her magical abilities, she unintentionally channeled far more power than she could control. The result was a catastrophic event: a massive tidal wave surged forth, wreaking havoc upon the kingdom and causing extensive damage to her family's estate.   The incident brought devastation to the dominion. The tidal wave inundated homes, disrupted livelihoods, and led to the injury of some inhabitants. The ripple effect of her magical mishap spread not only across the dominion but through her own life as well.   Xiu Mei's trauma and guilt were intensified by the realization that her uncontrolled power, meant to be a testament to her abilities, had instead become a destructive force. She was overwhelmed by the responsibility for her actions and the consequences they brought upon her community and loved ones.   As a result, Xiu Mei faced not only external criticism and judgment but also internal turmoil. The event made her question her own capabilities and whether she could truly master her gifts without causing harm. She withdrew from public life, isolating herself as she grappled with the emotional and psychological aftermath of the incident.   In time, with the support of her family and mentors, Xiu Mei was able to regain her confidence and continue her studies. She learned valuable lessons about the importance of restraint, responsibility, and the need to respect the boundaries of her powers. Despite the pain of her past, she emerged from this experience as a stronger and wiser water mage, dedicated to using her abilities to safeguard her homeland rather than inadvertently harm it. The memory of her failure continues to drive her in her quest to uncover the secrets of water magic and protect the Hydrarok Dominion.

Mental Trauma

Xiu Mei Nereus carries with her a deep and enduring mental trauma that has persisted into her adult life. This trauma is rooted in a pivotal and devastating event from her past that continues to haunt her, impacting her thoughts, emotions, and decisions.   The source of this trauma can be traced back to her youth, during her time as a student at Hydroquell Academy in the Hydrarok Dominion. It was a period in her life marked by her burgeoning magical talents, unwavering dedication to her studies, and a desire to prove herself as a capable water mage.   However, this promising chapter in her life took a nightmarish turn during one fateful training session. In her pursuit of mastering advanced water manipulation techniques, Xiu Mei was tasked with demonstrating her command over tidal forces. The exercise was intended to showcase her abilities and further her training, but it ended in disaster.   While attempting to channel the intricate ebb and flow of tides, Xiu Mei's magical prowess surged beyond her control. Her power, instead of being harnessed as intended, resulted in the creation of a massive and uncontrollable tidal wave. This devastating wave wreaked havoc on the Hydrarok Dominion, causing extensive destruction to her family's estate and endangering the lives of countless citizens.   The consequences of this event were catastrophic. Homes were inundated, livelihoods disrupted, and injuries inflicted upon the dominion's inhabitants. Xiu Mei's sense of guilt, remorse, and responsibility was overwhelming. She felt as though she had become a harbinger of destruction within her own community, and the pain of her actions reverberated through her life.

Intellectual Characteristics

She possesses keen insight, a sharp analytical mind, and a thirst for knowledge, traits that serve her well in her scholarly pursuits.

Morality & Philosophy

Xiu Mei Nereus's morality and philosophy are deeply rooted in the unique cultural and elemental backdrop of the Hydrarok Dominion, where water is not just a physical element but a profound source of spiritual inspiration. She upholds a moral compass aligned with the fundamental principles that define her homeland.   Central to her ethical framework is the concept of balance and harmony. Xiu Mei firmly believes that all aspects of life should exist in equilibrium, mirroring the ever-changing nature of water. In this respect, her morality mirrors the water's own qualities, flowing, adapting, and maintaining an innate balance. She is driven by a commitment to preserving the delicate and intricate equilibrium of her home.   Xiu Mei values the responsible use of power and resources. She considers the reckless exploitation of water magic for personal gain or the heedless depletion of natural resources as grave taboos. She sees such actions as disruptive forces that disrupt the harmony of her world. In her eyes, true power lies in maintaining this harmony, ensuring the elemental balance of the Hydrarok Dominion is sustained.   One of her core moral values is environmental stewardship. Xiu Mei feels deeply connected to the natural world and the aquatic elements. As someone who holds reverence for water spirits and elemental deities, she sees herself as a guardian of her dominion's natural beauty. This connection compels her to advocate for the protection and preservation of the kingdom's serene lakes, crystalline rivers, and shimmering coral gardens.   Xiu Mei's dedication to environmental sustainability extends to her magic. She approaches her water manipulation with an emphasis on responsible and conscientious use. Her morality encourages her to tap into her powers for the greater good, whether it be in healing or enhancing the dominion's natural wonders, rather than personal gain or aggrandizement.   Her philosophical beliefs align with the deeper spiritual understanding that water is not merely an element but a source of wisdom and enlightenment. Her devotion to uncovering the ancient wisdom hidden beneath the kingdom's waters is an expression of her conviction that the secrets of the cosmos lie hidden beneath the surface, awaiting discovery. In her pursuits, she embraces her homeland's elemental spirituality, endeavoring to harmonize her abilities and knowledge with the mysteries of the deep.   Xiu Mei's morality and philosophy are inextricably linked to her identity as a water mage and a scholar in the Hydrarok Dominion. Her belief in balance, responsible power use, and environmental preservation is both a reflection of her culture and a guiding force in her life's work as a water law user.


She strongly opposes the reckless exploitation of water magic for personal gain, viewing it as a grave taboo.

Personality Characteristics


Xiu Mei Nereus's motivation in life is intricately tied to her deep connection with the aquatic world and her role as a guardian of the Hydrarok Dominion's water magic. She is driven by a profound desire to protect and preserve the natural wonders of her homeland. Through her scholarly pursuits, Xiu Mei seeks to deepen her understanding of water magic's mysteries and uncover the ancient wisdom hidden beneath the kingdom's shimmering surface. Her determination to unravel the secrets of water laws, her reverence for aquatic spirits and elemental deities, and her devotion to environmental preservation are the driving forces behind her actions.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Xiu Mei is exceptionally savvy when it comes to water magic, elemental lore, and her role as a scholar. Her sharp analytical mind and thirst for knowledge have made her an insightful and resourceful individual. She excels at understanding the intricate connections between water magic and the kingdom's ecosystem, emphasizing harmony and balance. However, her scholarly pursuits have often left her with an ineptitude in more practical skills like navigation and combat. Her focus on academia sometimes leads her to be less adept in everyday activities that require more hands-on skills.

Likes & Dislikes

Xiu Mei's likes and dislikes are deeply rooted in her affinity for the aquatic realm. She finds solace and joy in serene moments spent by the water's edge, where the tranquil sounds of waves and the playfulness of aquatic creatures soothe her soul. Xiu Mei has a profound appreciation for the symbiotic relationship between water mages and aquatic familiars, forming deep bonds with these creatures. She is also enchanted by the soothing melodies of underwater music, and they hold a special place in her heart. On the flip side, she harbors strong disapproval for those who exploit the seas for personal gain, viewing it as a significant transgression against the natural world she reveres. She finds such acts, such as overfishing or reckless use of water magic, deeply troubling and against her core values.

Virtues & Personality perks

Xiu Mei's character is defined by her compassion, insightfulness, and resourcefulness. Her compassionate nature is evident in her deep reverence for the natural world and her dedication to preserving it. Her ability to connect with the elemental magic of water is a testament to her profound insight, and she often discovers hidden depths in her research. This insightfulness extends to her dealings with others, as she has a talent for understanding the motivations and emotions of those around her. Her resourcefulness comes into play in her academic pursuits, where she adeptly navigates complex magical concepts and seeks innovative solutions to her questions.

Vices & Personality flaws

Xiu Mei's dedication to her mission sometimes translates into stubbornness. She is unwavering in her pursuit of preserving the balance between magic, nature, and the people of the Hydrarok Dominion, and this unyielding commitment can occasionally lead to moments of inflexibility. In her decision-making, she tends to hold herself to high standards and may hesitate when faced with choices. Her pursuit of perfection can create self-imposed pressure, leading to moments of self-doubt and apprehension.

Personality Quirks

When Xiu Mei is deep in thought, she often absentmindedly moves her fingers as if controlling water. It's a physical manifestation of her connection to the aquatic elements and a reflection of her internal contemplation. This tactile quirk is an indication of her immersion in the world of water magic and her consistent curiosity about the mysteries of the element.


Xiu Mei maintains meticulous hygiene, reflecting her deep respect for the element of water and its associated themes of purity and rejuvenation. She has a preference for bathing in freshwater streams, seeking the tranquil embrace of nature to cleanse both her body and spirit. This practice aligns with her values and ensures that she remains in harmony with the natural world she holds dear.


Contacts & Relations

Xiu Mei is well-connected to various elemental mages and scholars across Aetheria, primarily due to her academic and magical pursuits. Her involvement in the world of water magic and her extensive research have allowed her to build a network of like-minded individuals who share her passion for elemental magic and preserving the natural world. Through these contacts, she engages in discussions, collaborates on research projects, and exchanges knowledge. Her affiliations often revolve around her role as a scholar and guardian of the Hydrarok Dominion, contributing to her connections with those who hold similar values.

Family Ties

Xiu Mei belongs to the esteemed Nereus family within the Hydrarok Dominion. This familial connection is a source of pride and responsibility for her, as the Nereus lineage is closely associated with water magic and the guardianship of the kingdom's aquatic beauty. The family's history and legacy in the realm of elemental magic have played a significant role in shaping her identity and values. While she bears the weight of family expectations and traditions, she also recognizes the importance of preserving and furthering the knowledge and practices of her lineage.

Religious Views

Xiu Mei holds deep reverence for water spirits and elemental deities. Her faith is closely tied to the aquatic elements she studies and safeguards. She views the waterways, rivers, and seas of the Hydrarok Dominion as sacred and believes that the natural world is filled with divine essence. Her religious views align with her commitment to preserving the harmony and balance between nature and humanity. While her beliefs are not structured around organized religion, her spirituality is intertwined with her daily life and practices as a water mage and guardian of her homeland.

Social Aptitude

Xiu Mei possesses social aptitude marked by charisma, confidence, and a calm and diplomatic demeanor. Her interactions with others reflect her deep understanding of the importance of fostering connections and alliances, especially in her role as a scholar and guardian. She is approachable and empathetic, traits that have allowed her to establish a broad network of contacts within the realm of elemental magic and conservation. Her poised and composed nature is conducive to creating an environment of open dialogue and collaboration, which she values in her academic and magical pursuits.


In her interactions with others, Xiu Mei tends to speak slowly and thoughtfully. Her words flow like ripples on a tranquil pond, mirroring the serene and soothing nature of water. She chooses her words carefully, taking time to consider the impact of her speech. This considered manner of speaking is a reflection of her connection to water elements and the importance she places on maintaining balance and harmony, both in her conversations and in the world around her.

Hobbies & Pets

Xiu Mei enjoys swimming with aquatic familiars and collecting rare seashells, activities that align with her love for the natural world and her connection to water. Her hobbies often center around water and its associated themes. Additionally, she engages in watercolor painting, using this artistic outlet to capture the beauty and serenity of her homeland. These hobbies provide her with a sense of tranquility and a means to express her reverence for water elements.


Xiu Mei's voice carries the soothing cadence of gentle waves. Her speech is marked by a faint hint of an Aquan accent, which adds an enchanting quality to her conversations. This aquatic lilt in her voice reflects her deep connection to water and the elemental magic she has devoted her life to studying. It contributes to the calming and mesmerizing effect she often has on those who engage in discussions with her. Her speech style evokes the sense of being near the waters of the Hydrarok Dominion, where tranquility and wisdom coexist.

Wealth & Financial state

Comfortable, with income from her scholarly pursuits and magical services.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"Scholar of the Tides"
Algae-green, with a subtle shimmer.
Waist-length, flowing like cascading waves, in shades of blue and green.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly tanned, glistening like the surface of the sea.
5 feet 7 inches
135 pounds
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Like water, knowledge flows, and in its currents, we find wisdom."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Fluent in Aquan, the language of water, and Aetherian Common.