Zharek Veldrin

Zharek Veldrin

Zharek Veldrin cuts a striking figure amidst the swirling skies of Aetheria, his lavender and pale white eyes capturing the essence of his enigmatic nature. As the first mate of the notorious pirate ship Big Dipper, he commands respect with his confident demeanor and unwavering loyalty to Captain Grim. Raised in the shadows of Umbricrealm Dominion, Zharek's upbringing instilled in him a sense of cunning and resourcefulness, traits that have served him well in his tumultuous life as a sky pirate. His journey began as an orphan taken in by the crew of the Duchies, a Sky Privateer vessel, but fate had other plans, leading him to the darker path of piracy aboard the Big Dipper.   With his waist-length hair tied back in a top ponytail, Zharek exudes a rugged charm that belies his dark past. His silky locks, coupled with his lavender and white eyes, create an aura of mystery and danger, drawing both allies and adversaries alike. Despite his rough exterior, Zharek possesses a keen intellect and quick wit, traits honed through years of navigating the treacherous skies of Aetheria. As a Drow, he is no stranger to adversity, his dark skin a testament to the trials he has endured and overcome.   In his role as first mate, Zharek exemplifies the qualities of a natural leader, commanding the respect and loyalty of his fellow crewmates. His unwavering dedication to Captain Grim and the crew of the Big Dipper is matched only by his fierce determination to carve out his own destiny amidst the boundless skies. Though he may walk the path of a pirate, Zharek's moral compass remains steadfast, his actions guided by a sense of honor and loyalty to those he holds dear. As he sails the skies of Aetheria, Zharek's presence serves as a constant reminder of the untamed spirit that drives him ever forward, towards adventures yet untold and treasures yet undiscovered.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Zharek boasts a formidable and imposing physical presence, befitting his role as the first mate of the pirate ship Big Dipper. Standing tall at 6 feet 4 inches, he possesses a muscular and well-built frame honed by years of rigorous physical activity and combat training. His broad shoulders and strong limbs exude strength and power, reflecting his proficiency in hand-to-hand combat and martial prowess. Zharek's rugged appearance is further accentuated by weathered skin, sun-kissed from countless hours spent under the open skies of Aetheria. Despite the occasional scars and battle wounds that adorn his body, Zharek carries himself with an air of confidence and self-assuredness, radiating an aura of intimidation and authority befitting his position among the crew of the Big Dipper.

Body Features

Zharek's physical appearance is striking and distinctive, reflecting his Drow heritage and years spent as a sky pirate. His most notable feature is his dark ebony skin, characteristic of his Drow ancestry, which contrasts starkly with his striking white hair. His hair, worn in a style that is both practical and stylish, frames his angular face and falls in sleek strands that cascade down his back. Zharek's sharp, angular features are complemented by piercing crimson eyes that seem to gleam with an otherworldly intensity, hinting at the depth of his inner resolve and determination. Despite the ruggedness of his appearance, Zharek possesses a certain elegance and grace that is evident in the fluidity of his movements and the confidence with which he carries himself.

Facial Features

Zharek's facial features exude an air of mystery and intensity, reflecting both his Drow heritage and his years spent as a seasoned sky pirate. His face is angular and chiseled, with high cheekbones that lend a sense of sharpness to his appearance. His eyes, a piercing shade of crimson, are perhaps his most striking feature, seeming to hold a depth of emotion and experience beyond their years. Framed by thick, sculpted brows, Zharek's eyes possess a keenness and intensity that command attention and respect. His nose is straight and defined, adding to the overall symmetry and strength of his visage. Zharek's lips are typically set in a firm line, betraying little of his inner thoughts or emotions, though the occasional smirk or grin may grace his features in moments of triumph or amusement.

Identifying Characteristics

Zharek possesses several identifying features that make him stand out in a crowd, reflecting both his unique heritage as a Drow and his years of experience as a sky pirate. One of his most notable features is his striking white hair, which contrasts sharply against his dark ebony skin, making him instantly recognizable even from a distance. Additionally, Zharek's piercing crimson eyes are distinctive and memorable, seeming to hold a depth of emotion and experience beyond their years. His lean and agile build, honed through years of navigating the skies and engaging in combat, sets him apart from others, exuding a sense of strength and grace. Finally, Zharek's demeanor and presence command attention, with an aura of confidence and control that is both captivating and intimidating.

Physical quirks

Zharek's years of training and experience as a sky pirate have left him with a few physical quirks that reflect his unique lifestyle and personality. One noticeable quirk is his habit of constantly scanning his surroundings, a reflex honed from years of navigating the skies and anticipating potential threats. This habit manifests as subtle, quick movements of his head and eyes, as if he's always on the lookout for danger. Additionally, Zharek has a tendency to stand with a slight lean, his body poised for quick action and ready to spring into motion at a moment's notice. His movements are precise and calculated, reflecting his agile combat style and dexterous nature. Finally, Zharek's hands often exhibit small, almost imperceptible twitches, a byproduct of his years spent wielding weapons and engaging in close-quarters combat.

Special abilities

Zharek Veldrin possesses a range of special abilities that enhance his effectiveness as a sky pirate and first mate on the Big Dipper. Foremost among these abilities is his mastery of dual-wielding combat techniques, allowing him to seamlessly wield two scimitars with unparalleled speed and precision in battle. This skill, honed through years of training and experience, grants Zharek a formidable advantage in close-quarters combat encounters, enabling him to dispatch adversaries with swift and decisive strikes. Additionally, Zharek possesses an uncanny sense of spatial awareness and agility, enabling him to navigate the dynamic and unpredictable environment of the floating islands with ease. His keen reflexes and quick thinking allow him to anticipate and react to threats swiftly, ensuring the safety and success of the Big Dipper and its crew. Moreover, Zharek's leadership qualities and strategic acumen make him an invaluable asset in planning and executing daring heists and raids on rival sky pirate vessels.

Apparel & Accessories

Zharek Veldrin's apparel and accessories reflect both his practical nature as a sky pirate and his unique sense of style. He typically adorns himself in attire suitable for his role as first mate on the Big Dipper, favoring garments that offer both freedom of movement and protection in combat situations. Zharek often wears a tailored leather coat, reinforced with metal studs and buckles, providing both durability and a distinctive flair. Beneath the coat, he dons a simple yet sturdy tunic, designed for comfort during long voyages and battles at sea. Completing his ensemble are fitted leather trousers, practical boots suitable for traversing the ship's deck, and a wide-brimmed hat adorned with feathers and trinkets, adding a touch of swagger to his appearance. Additionally, Zharek accessorizes with a collection of ornate rings, each bearing its own significance or sentimental value, as well as a pair of duel scimitars and a rapier, his preferred weapons of choice, holstered at his side.

Specialized Equipment

Zharek Veldrin's specialized equipment is tailored to his role as first mate on the Big Dipper and his expertise as a sky pirate. Foremost among his arsenal are his duel scimitars and rapier, finely crafted weapons that he wields with lethal precision in combat. These blades are not only symbols of his status and skill but also essential tools for defending the ship and engaging in boarding actions against rival vessels. In addition to his weapons, Zharek carries a grappling hook and a length of rope, essential for scaling cliffs, boarding enemy ships, and navigating treacherous terrain. His leather armor, reinforced with metal plating, offers protection without sacrificing agility, allowing him to move freely during combat encounters. Lastly, Zharek's collection of navigational tools, including compasses, maps, and sextants, reflects his role as a skilled navigator and his commitment to guiding the Big Dipper safely through the skies.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zharek Veldrin's personal history is a tapestry woven with threads of tragedy, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of freedom amidst the chaotic skies of Aetheria.   Born into the shadowed depths of Umbricrealm Dominion, Zharek entered the world as an orphan, his early years marked by uncertainty and hardship. Raised among the shadows and whispers of the twilight kingdom, Zharek's childhood was a dance with danger in the enigmatic realm of eternal twilight.   Fate intervened when Zharek found refuge aboard the Duchies, a Sky Privateer vessel navigating the boundless skies of Aetheria. Taken in by the crew as an orphan, Zharek discovered a sense of belonging and purpose among the ex-pirates turned privateers. Under the guidance of the ship's captain, Zharek learned the ways of the sky, honing his skills as a navigator and aerial acrobat.   However, Zharek's newfound stability was shattered when tragedy struck, and the Duchies met its demise, sinking beneath the waves of the Skysea. Left adrift in the unforgiving skies, Zharek's resilience was tested like never before as he faced the harsh realities of life as a sky pirate.   Forced to join the crew of the Big Dipper, a notorious Sky Pirate ship captained by the formidable Grim, Zharek embraced his role as the first mate. His cool and composed demeanor masked the turmoil brewing within as he navigated the treacherous waters of piracy once more.   Amidst the chaos of the pirate life, Zharek's heart found solace in the company of Lyre, the ship's secretary. Their clandestine romance blossomed amidst the shadows of the pirate ship, their love a beacon of hope amidst the darkness that surrounded them.   As Zharek's journey continues to unfold among the floating islands of Aetheria, he will confront new challenges and adversaries, his past intertwining with the threads of destiny that weave the tapestry of the skies.

Gender Identity

Zharek Veldrin identifies as male. Despite growing up in a society where gender roles were sometimes fluid due to the necessity of disguise for survival, Zharek's sense of self has always aligned with his biological sex. He has never questioned his identity as a man and embraces the expectations and responsibilities that come with it, both in his personal and professional life aboard the pirate ship.


Zharek's sexuality can be characterized as pansexual. His romantic attraction to Lyre, regardless of her initially presented gender identity, highlights his openness to forming connections based on personal compatibility rather than gender. This aspect of his sexuality reflects his inclusive and non-judgmental approach to relationships, allowing him to navigate the complexities of romantic entanglements in the diverse world of Aetheria.


Zharek's education is primarily practical and experiential, shaped by his upbringing as an orphan and his subsequent life as a sky pirate. He lacks formal schooling or scholarly pursuits but has acquired invaluable knowledge and skills through his experiences aboard pirate ships. His education is focused on seamanship, combat tactics, navigation, and survival skills, honed through years of living and working in the perilous skies of Aetheria.


As the first mate aboard the Big Dipper, Zharek holds a position of authority and responsibility within the pirate crew. His role encompasses various duties, including overseeing ship operations, coordinating crew activities, and assisting the captain in decision-making. Zharek's employment is a reflection of his skill, competence, and loyalty within the pirate hierarchy.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Zharek's most notable accomplishments include his rise to the position of first mate on the Big Dipper, a testament to his leadership abilities and combat prowess. He has navigated perilous skies, survived skirmishes with rival pirates, and earned the respect and trust of his crewmates. Zharek's unwavering dedication to the pirate lifestyle and his resilience in the face of adversity are achievements in themselves within the chaotic world of Aetheria.

Failures & Embarrassments

While Zharek has experienced his share of setbacks and challenges, he views them as opportunities for growth rather than failures. However, he may feel a sense of embarrassment or frustration when his meticulously laid plans are thwarted or when he falls short of his own high standards. These moments serve as reminders of the unpredictable nature of life as a sky pirate and fuel his determination to overcome obstacles.

Mental Trauma

Zharek has endured mental trauma stemming from his tumultuous upbringing as an orphan and his experiences as a sky pirate. The loss of the Duchies, the Sky Privateer vessel that had become his home, was a particularly traumatic event that left scars on his psyche. Additionally, the constant threat of violence, betrayal, and death in his line of work has undoubtedly taken its toll on Zharek's mental well-being, fostering a sense of vigilance and wariness in his interactions with others.

Intellectual Characteristics

Zharek possesses a sharp intellect, characterized by quick thinking, strategic acumen, and adaptability. He excels in navigating the complexities of sky piracy, whether it be plotting courses through treacherous skies or outmaneuvering adversaries in combat. Zharek's intellect is complemented by his resourcefulness and practical skills, allowing him to thrive in the unpredictable and ever-changing world of Aetheria.

Morality & Philosophy

Zharek's morality is shaped by the harsh realities of life as a sky pirate, where survival often takes precedence over traditional notions of right and wrong. While he may engage in morally ambiguous actions in pursuit of his goals, Zharek possesses a code of honor that governs his conduct and interactions with others. Loyalty to his crewmates, a sense of justice tempered by pragmatism, and a willingness to protect those he cares about are central tenets of Zharek's moral philosophy.


As a sky pirate operating outside the bounds of conventional law and morality, Zharek is no stranger to taboo behaviors and practices. He engages in activities such as raiding, plundering, and violence, which are considered taboo by law-abiding citizens of Aetheria. Additionally, Zharek's clandestine relationship with Lyre, in violation of the ship's rules against fraternization, adds another layer of taboo to his personal life, complicating his interactions and relationships aboard the Big Dipper.

Personality Characteristics


His motivation stems from a combination of factors shaped by his tumultuous past and his aspirations for the future. As a former orphan who found belonging and purpose among the crew of the Duchies and later the Big Dipper, Zharek is driven by a deep-seated desire for camaraderie and kinship. Despite the lawless nature of his profession as a sky pirate, Zharek values loyalty and solidarity among his crewmates above all else, viewing them as his extended family. Additionally, Zharek is motivated by a sense of adventure and the thrill of the open skies, relishing the freedom and excitement that comes with life as a sky pirate. His experiences as a survivor of hardship and adversity have instilled in him a resilient spirit and a determination to carve out his own destiny amidst the ever-shifting currents of fate. Furthermore, Zharek's secret relationship with Lyre, the ship's secretary, fuels his motivation to protect and provide for her, driving him to excel in his role as first mate and ensure the safety and success of their crew.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Zharek Veldrin possesses a keen understanding of maritime navigation, combat tactics, and the intricacies of pirate life, making him a formidable first mate and a skilled leader among the crew. His adeptness with dual scimitars and rapier in combat further solidifies his prowess in the field. However, Zharek's obsession with secrecy and his tendency to prioritize his personal relationships over the crew's well-being can sometimes cloud his judgment and lead to conflicts within the ranks.

Likes & Dislikes

Zharek enjoys the freedom and excitement of life as a sky pirate, relishing the adrenaline rush of daring heists and high-stakes adventures. He finds solace and comfort in the camaraderie of his fellow crewmates and takes pride in his role as their protector and confidant. However, Zharek harbors a deep-seated dislike for authority figures and law enforcement, viewing them as impediments to his way of life. He also despises betrayal and dishonesty, especially when it threatens the safety and security of his crew.

Virtues & Personality perks

Zharek Veldrin is fiercely loyal and protective of his crewmates, willing to go to great lengths to ensure their safety and success. His unwavering dedication and determination make him a valuable asset to the crew, inspiring loyalty and trust among his peers. Zharek's resourcefulness and adaptability enable him to thrive in the ever-changing landscape of sky piracy, allowing him to overcome obstacles with ease and finesse.

Vices & Personality flaws

Despite his loyalty and dedication to his crewmates, Zharek's possessive nature and obsession with secrecy can sometimes lead to conflicts and misunderstandings within the crew. His reluctance to trust outsiders and his tendency to prioritize his personal relationships over the needs of the crew can also create tension and discord onboard the ship. Additionally, Zharek's ruthless demeanor in combat and his enjoyment of violence and bloodshed may alienate him from more morally conscious crew members, undermining his leadership and authority.

Personality Quirks

Zharek Veldrin has a habit of tapping his fingers rhythmically against surfaces when lost in thought or contemplating a decision. He also tends to run his fingers through his hair when feeling particularly stressed or anxious, a subconscious gesture of self-soothing. In moments of intense focus or concentration, Zharek's piercing gaze becomes even more intense, conveying his unwavering determination and resolve to those around him.

Representation & Legacy

Zharek Veldrin's legacy is one of adventure, loyalty, and resilience, carved into the annals of sky piracy as a legendary figure among the crew of the Big Dipper. His unwavering commitment to his crewmates and his daring exploits in the skies of Aetheria inspire awe and admiration among future generations of pirates, earning him a place of honor in the folklore and legends of the realm. Zharek's legacy serves as a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who dare to defy the odds and chart their own course amidst the boundless expanse of the skies.



Zharek's "reign" as First Mate aboard the Big Dipper is marked by his unwavering loyalty to Captain Grim and his dedication to the crew's success and safety. His leadership and expertise in navigating the treacherous skies of Aetheria have contributed to the ship's notoriety and success in countless daring heists and skirmishes with rival pirate crews.

Contacts & Relations

Zharek maintains a network of contacts and allies within the sky pirate community, forged through years of collaboration and mutual respect. His closest relationships include his secret romance with Lyre, the ship's secretary, and his unwavering loyalty to Captain Grim, whom he views as a mentor and father figure. Additionally, Zharek has forged alliances with other pirate crews and underworld figures, allowing him to navigate the dangerous waters of Aetheria with ease.

Family Ties

Zharek's family ties are shrouded in mystery, with little known about his past before joining the crew of the Big Dipper. While he may have familial connections outside of his pirate life, Zharek's allegiance lies with his chosen family—the crewmates of the Big Dipper—who have become his closest companions and confidants.

Religious Views

Zharek Veldrin secretly worships the Moonmaiden, Selûne, finding solace and guidance in her celestial grace and luminous presence. Despite the clandestine nature of his faith, Zharek's devotion to Selûne is unwavering, shaping his moral compass and providing him with a sense of purpose and connection to the divine. In moments of quiet reflection beneath the starlit skies of Aetheria, Zharek offers prayers and supplications to Selûne, seeking her blessing and protection as he navigates the perilous waters of sky piracy.

Social Aptitude

Zharek Veldrin possesses a commanding presence and charismatic demeanor that enables him to navigate social interactions with ease and confidence. While he may not always adhere to conventional social norms or etiquette, Zharek's natural charm and assertive personality make him a compelling and persuasive figure in both casual conversations and negotiations with rival pirates or potential allies.


Zharek Veldrin's mannerisms reflect his rugged and independent nature, with confident strides and a steely gaze that convey his determination and resolve. He has a tendency to speak in a terse and authoritative manner, cutting straight to the heart of the matter without wasting words or mincing phrases. Despite his gruff exterior, Zharek possesses a dry wit and sardonic sense of humor that occasionally surfaces in moments of levity or camaraderie with his fellow crewmates.

Hobbies & Pets

Zharek Veldrin's hobbies include honing his combat skills through rigorous training and sparring sessions with his crewmates, as well as exploring the vast and untamed wilderness of Aetheria in search of adventure and excitement. While he may not have any pets of his own, Zharek has been known to develop close bonds with the creatures of the sky, including majestic raptors and fierce wyverns that roam the skies of Aetheria.


Zharek Veldrin's speech is characterized by a gruff and authoritative tone, with clipped phrases and a direct manner of communication that reflects his no-nonsense attitude and pragmatic outlook on life. He speaks with confidence and conviction, commanding the attention and respect of those around him with his powerful presence and commanding voice. Despite his rough exterior, Zharek's speech is often laced with subtle wit and sarcasm, revealing a keen intellect and sharp sense of humor beneath the surface.

Wealth & Financial state

As a sky pirate, Zharek's wealth is primarily derived from the spoils of his plundering and pillaging endeavors, which include stolen treasures, valuable cargo, and occasionally ransom payments from wealthy captives. While his wealth may fluctuate depending on the success of his ventures, Zharek's true riches lie in the camaraderie and loyalty of his crewmates and the thrill of adventure that accompanies life as a sky pirate.
Current Status
active as the first mate on the pirate ship Big Dipper
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Current Residence
He resides aboard the pirate ship Big Dipper, constantly traversing the skies of Aetheria
lavender right eye and one pale white left eye
Zharek's hair is waist-length, with a slight curl to it, and tied back in a top ponytail.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
His skin is dark, typical of a Drow.
approximately 6 feet tall
around 160 pounds.
Aligned Organization
Character Prototype
Zharek Veldrin serves as a compelling character prototype within the realm of sky pirate lore, embodying the archetype of the dexterous and lethal first mate. His background as an orphan taken in by the crew of the Duchies, and later forced to join the crew of the Big Dipper, imbues him with a sense of resilience and resourcefulness that defines his character. Zharek's calm and composed demeanor, coupled with his fierce and ruthless nature in combat, creates a complex and multifaceted persona that captivates audiences and drives narrative tension. Additionally, his secret relationship with the ship's secretary, Lyre, adds depth and emotional complexity to his character, revealing a softer and more vulnerable side beneath his tough exterior. As a sky pirate, Zharek navigates the moral complexities of his profession, grappling with questions of loyalty, honor, and personal freedom amidst the lawless skies of Aetheria.