Aidan Brightspark Character in Aetheria | World Anvil
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Aidan Brightspark

Magic is the key to understanding the universe, and I intend to unlock every door. Curiosity is my compass, guiding me through the endless wonders of the arcane.
— Aidan
Aidan grew up in a small village, where he showed an aptitude for magic from a young age. He was discovered by a traveling wizard passing through the village and was taken on as an apprentice. However, Alden's insatiable curiosity led him to leave his master's tutelage and join a traveling carnival, where he could learn about the world and its wonders firsthand.
Aidan is a young, skinny human male with a shock of unruly blond hair and bright, curious eyes. He wears colorful, mismatched robes adorned with patches and symbols of various magical schools. Despite his youth, there's an air of potential greatness about him.He is endlessly curious and eager to learn about all things magical and mundane. He's a bit scatterbrained and absent-minded at times, but his enthusiasm is infectious. He's quick to make friends and loves to entertain crowds with his fledgling magical skills.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slight of build but well looked after, whilst not the strongest of lads he is nimble.

Facial Features

Warm face and an inquisitive smile

Apparel & Accessories

A very brightly coloured ecclectic tunic

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Being one of the Youngest magic Wielders known to Aetheria

Failures & Embarrassments

Finding himself swindling the poor and stupid in a travelling carnival

Mental Trauma

Not knowing what has become of his parents

Aidan is a young, skinny human male with a shock of unruly blond hair and bright, curious eyes. He wears colourfu, mismatched robes adorned with patches and symbols. Despite his youth, there's an air of potential greatness about

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