Emberfall realm Settlement in Aetheria | World Anvil
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Emberfall realm

Physical Area The kingdom of Emberfall Realm covers an area of 1500 square miles. Of this, 48% (722 sq. miles) is arable land, and 51% (777 sq. miles) is wilderness.   Population The kingdom of Emberfall Realm has a total population of 120 thousand people.   Settlements The largest town Westharbor has a population of roughly 7000 people, the second largest Amberpool 3600. There are no other towns of note in the kingdom. The remaining population lives in numerous small towns, villages, isolated dwellings, etc. To the North The twin towns of the Whispeing Woods have a combined population of 4400 and sit in The Borderlands whilst central to trade, they do not fall in the realms control.   Castles The kingdom of Emberfall Realm has 2 active castles in the two population centres.   Government In the Emberfall Realm, power and governance rest in the hands of influential noble houses, forming a complex system of aristocracy the Emberfall Noble Council . These noble houses, each with their own storied history and lineage, hold significant sway over the kingdom's affairs. The rulership of the realm is a delicate balance of power among these noble families, as they vie for influence, resources, and political control.


Beneath the High Chancellor, the noble houses of the Emberfall realm follow a structured hierarchy that forms the backbone of the kingdom's governance and administration. The organization's structure is characterized by a tiered system of titles and responsibilities, ensuring the smooth functioning of the noble houses and their contributions to the realm.   At the top of the hierarchy are the Lords and Ladies, who hold the most influential positions within their respective noble houses. They are the heads of their families and bear the responsibility of overseeing the affairs of their house, making crucial decisions, and representing their interests in the realm's political landscape.   Below the Lords and Ladies are the Vassals, esteemed members of the noble houses who hold positions of authority and responsibility. The Vassals serve as local administrators, managing specific territories within the realm. They ensure the welfare of the local communities, maintain law and order, and act as intermediaries between the common folk and the ruling class.   Further down the hierarchy, the noble houses may have positions such as Stewards, who manage the estates and financial matters of the house, and Councilors, who provide guidance and counsel to the ruling family on matters of policy and decision-making.   The structure of the noble houses in the Emberfall realm reflects a feudal system where loyalty, duty, and hierarchy shape the relationships and responsibilities within the organization. It is a system designed to ensure the stability and prosperity of the kingdom, with each role fulfilling a distinct function and contributing to the overall governance and well-being of the realm.
Founding Date
Owning Organization


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