Ra-Solara Blessingstone Item in Aetheria | World Anvil
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Ra-Solara Blessingstone

The origins of Blessingstones can be traced back to the ancient annals of magical artifacts. Crafted by skilled enchanters and imbued with benevolent energies, these stones are said to have originated in the mystical forges of benevolent gods who sought to aid mortal beings on their perilous quests.   Legends tell of the first stone being gifted to a humble adventurer by a celestial entity, with the purpose of providing guidance and protection on their journeys. As word spread of the stone's wondrous effects, demand grew, and skilled artisans began crafting their own versions, each with a unique touch.   A Blessingstone typically takes the form of a small, polished Aether crystal, often infused with ethereal hues or shimmering patterns. The stone emanates a subtle aura of fortune, discernible to those attuned to magical energies.   The stone's primary enchantment lies in its ability to bestow a supernatural sense of luck upon its possessor. Whether it's avoiding a trap, discovering hidden treasures, or navigating treacherous terrains unscathed, the stone acts as a silent guardian, subtly influencing fate in favor of the one who carries it.   Valen Moonshadow came into posession of th Ra-Solara Aetherial Blessingstone in the tunnels under Silverbrook amoungst the items that The Shrouded Serpent had stashed.  

Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone)

Wondrous Item

Uncommon Requires Attunement

While this polished agate is on your person, you gain a +1 bonus to ability checks and saving throws.   Notes: Bonus: Ability Checks, Bonus: Saving Throws, Bonus: Initiative, Buff  

Weight: 1/2lb


wondrous item






Item type
Unique Artifact
Wondrous item, uncommon
Base Price


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