Temperate Palm Species in Aetheria | World Anvil
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Temperate Palm

In Aetheria, there exists a rare and extraordinary sight—a coconut tree that defies the conventional expectations of its tropical origins by flourishing in a temperate climate. This exceptional tree is known as the "Temperate Palm."   The coconuts of the Temperate Palm have gained a reputation for their unique properties. Some alchemists and herbalists believe that consuming the coconut meat or drinking its water can provide rejuvenating effects or bolster one's resilience against cold weather. Additionally, the wood from the tree's trunk is prized for its durability and resistance to decay, making it valuable for construction and crafting.

Basic Information


Appearance: The Temperate Palm stands tall and proud, reaching heights of up to 30 feet. Its slender trunk, covered in rough and textured bark, is a rich brown color with hints of gray. Unlike typical coconut trees, this species possesses a thicker and hardier trunk, adapted to withstand the harsher conditions of the temperate climate.   Leaves: The tree's vibrant green fronds fan out gracefully from the top of the trunk, casting dappled shade below. Each frond consists of long, feathery leaflets that sway gently in the breeze. Despite the colder climate, these resilient leaves retain their lush green color throughout the year.   Coconuts: The true marvel of the Temperate Palm lies in its bountiful coconuts. While smaller in size compared to their tropical counterparts, these coconuts are still substantial, roughly the size of a human fist. Their outer husks exhibit shades of pale brown and possess a textured, fibrous surface.

Ecology and Habitats

The Temperate Palm is found in specific regions where a microclimate allows for its survival. These locations might include sheltered valleys, warm coastal areas, or pockets of geothermal activity that create localized warmth. Due to its rarity, the tree has become a symbol of resilience and adaptability, attracting the curiosity and admiration of adventurers, botanists, and nature enthusiasts alike.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The nuts themselves hold a pleasant surprise. Beneath the fibrous husk, a hard, smooth shell protects the precious cargo within. When cracked open, one discovers a deliciously sweet, creamy meat that has adapted to the temperate environment. The coconut water within is refreshingly cool, providing a respite from the occasional warmth of the region.
Scientific Name
Cocos tempus
120 Years
Average Height
Average Weight
Geographic Distribution
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