The Doomspring Green Organization in Aetheria | World Anvil
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The Doomspring Green

The Doomspring Green is a druids grove. It's somewhat old, and the slightly below average sized faction has an excellent reputation, and is motivated by growth of nature. They are adjusting to a change in leadership.  


It's ruled by a board of 9, who were able to rise to power through nepotism. They are quite competent, and their positions on the board are rapidly disintegrating due to internal power struggles.    


Members of The Doomspring Green are identifiable by brown and dirty robes. Membership requires give up all worldly possessions, and costs 1000 gold pieces. The initiation into The Doomspring Green involves fight a beast with your bare hands.  


They have limitless resources. A handful of artifacts are jealously guarded, as are a drawer of magic scrolls, a couple pouches of gold, a handful of magical trinkets, and a significant number of gems.  


The Doomspring Green have a couple trusted allies; A veritable army of bards are the only others they can rely on. The Doomspring Green have some fearsome enemies; A guild of wizards are rivals. Other enemies include a guild of assassins
Druidic Circle
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