Black Company

The Black Company is a prominent mercenary guild known for its distinctive characteristics and influential role throughout the realms:  


Presence: The Black Company operates across the realms. Its influence and operations extend far and wide, making it a significant force in the mercenary world. Taverns: The guild runs exclusive taverns where only members are allowed. These taverns are known for their vibrant and lively atmosphere, filled with camaraderie, stories, and high-stakes gambling. The taverns serve as social hubs for members to gather, relax, and strategize.  

Guild Structure

Elders: Lash: One of the elders, known for his experience and leadership. Lash plays a key role in overseeing the guild’s activities and maintaining its traditions. Issei: Another elder, recognized for his strategic acumen and guidance. Issei helps shape the guild’s direction and decision-making processes.  

Notable Members:

Donk: A prominent and skilled member known for his reliability and combat expertise. Donk is highly respected within the guild. Ox: Famous for his exceptional strength, Ox is a powerful figure who takes on physically demanding tasks. Vivian (Vi): A notable member with a strong reputation, known for her prowess and influence in guild affairs. Beta: A skilled and respected member recognized for his abilities and contributions to the guild’s success. Casper: Known for his stealth and cunning, Casper excels in covert operations and intelligence work. Midnight: A mysterious and elusive figure whose skills and motives are often shrouded in secrecy. Sigurd and Sigifrith: Two brothers who are integral to the guild. Their close bond and complementary skills make them a formidable duo.  

Culture and Operations

Fellowship: The Black Company values strong camaraderie among its members. Loyalty and mutual support are key aspects of its culture, with members forming tight-knit relationships. Gambling: The guild’s taverns are famous for their gambling activities. Games frequently played amongst the members are 2-4 24 and Gummy Bear Races. Members use a unique form of currency called chookies for internal gambling. Chookies are small, seemingly insignificant objects such as marbles, animal teeth, dice, or small crystals. Exclusivity: Membership is highly exclusive, and access to the guild’s taverns and operations is restricted to members only. This exclusivity fosters a sense of elitism and belonging among members.  


The Black Company is known for its professionalism and effectiveness in mercenary work. While they receive payment in coin for their services, the use of chookies in their internal affairs highlights their unique approach to camaraderie and social bonding. The guild’s blend of loyalty, strategic prowess, and distinctive cultural practices makes it a notable and influential entity in the realms.