King Lysander of the Forests

Age: 43   Appearance: Lysander has a lean build, with long, flowing dark hair often adorned with leaves and flowers. His green eyes reflect his deep connection with nature. He wears earthy-toned garments made from natural materials, and he carries a staff carved with intricate woodland designs.   Personality: Lysander is calm, gentle, and introspective. He has a profound love for the natural world and is deeply spiritual, often seeking guidance from the goddess Silvani. He is a protector of the forests, promoting harmony between his people and the environment.   Kingdom: Lysander's kingdom spans vast, ancient forests filled with towering trees, rare flora, and diverse fauna. The capital is a city built seamlessly into the forest, with homes and public buildings constructed around and within the trees. The economy is based on sustainable forestry, herbal medicine, and nature-inspired art.