King Silvanus of the Magical Dominion

Age: 37   Appearance: Silvanus is slender and graceful, with strikingly pale skin and silvery-white hair that seems to shimmer with magical energy. His violet eyes are intense and piercing. He wears elaborate robes adorned with arcane symbols, and he carries a staff topped with a glowing crystal.   Personality: Silvanus is curious, intelligent, and enigmatic. He has an insatiable thirst for knowledge, particularly in the arcane arts. He is both a scholar and a mage, often lost in thought or immersed in magical research.   Kingdom: Silvanus's kingdom is a land of enchantment, with mystical forests, ancient ruins, and powerful ley lines. The capital is a city of spires and towers, home to the largest magic college in Vale Tor. The economy revolves around magical research, alchemy, and enchanted goods, attracting scholars and mages from all over the realms.