Thalor the Eternal

Thalor the Eternal is a legendary figure among the elves, revered not only for his unmatched prowess in battle but also for his unwavering dedication to the protection of Elvpridom. He is an imposing figure, standing taller than most elves, with a muscular build honed through centuries of warfare and training. His presence alone commands respect, and his name is spoken with both reverence and awe throughout the elven realm.   Thalor’s face bears the marks of countless battles, with scars that tell the stories of his many victories and the fierce enemies he has faced. Despite these signs of conflict, his features remain sharp and noble, a testament to his elven heritage. His eyes, a piercing shade of silver, are said to have seen more of the world’s history than most could ever comprehend. They are filled with the wisdom of ages, but also a deep melancholy, as though the weight of his long life bears heavily on him.   His hair, once a vibrant golden hue, has turned to a silvery white, flowing down to his shoulders. He often keeps it tied back in a simple braid, a practical style that reflects his no-nonsense approach to both life and battle. Thalor is most commonly seen wearing armor that has become almost as legendary as the elf himself. Crafted from a rare, enchanted metal, the armor is a deep, dark green, almost black, and is intricately engraved with ancient runes of protection and power. It is both a symbol of his status and a practical tool, as it has saved his life countless times.   Thalor is rarely without his weapon of choice, a massive two-handed sword known as "Sylvanwrath." The blade, forged from an unknown material, is etched with glowing runes and is said to have been blessed by the gods themselves. It is a weapon of immense power, capable of cutting through the toughest armor and even magical barriers. In Thalor’s hands, it becomes an extension of his will, a tool of both destruction and protection.   Despite his fearsome appearance and reputation as a warrior, Thalor the Eternal is not without a sense of honor and compassion. He is a warrior who fights not for the sake of battle, but to protect his people and the lands he loves. Thalor’s loyalty to Queen Elysande and Elvpridom is absolute, and he has served as both her champion and advisor for centuries. His title, "the Eternal," reflects not only his long life but also his enduring spirit and unyielding dedication to the elven realm.   Though many view him as a hero, Thalor is burdened by the weight of his endless existence. He has outlived countless friends and comrades, and the memories of those he has lost haunt him. Yet, despite this, he continues to serve, driven by a deep sense of duty and an unbreakable resolve to protect Elvpridom until the end of his days—or the end of time itself.
Current Location
Silver with Golden hue
7' 8"