The Traversal


The Traversal is an ethereal dimension that serves as a nexus point between the 9 realms. It manifests as a vast, open circular room with high, vaulted ceilings and walls adorned with intricate carvings depicting the history and connections of the realms. The floor is made of a smooth, reflective material that shimmers with an otherworldly light.  


  Nine Doors: Arranged in a circle around the room's perimeter, each door leads to one of the 9 realms. The doors are uniquely crafted to represent the realm they connect to. For instance, the door to Drakinire is adorned with dragon motifs and scales, while the door to Alfwizest features intertwining vines and leaves. Warforged Guardians: Each door is guarded by two massive Warforged guardians, imposing constructs made of metal and magic. These guardians ensure that only those permitted can pass through the doors. They are unyielding in their duty and cannot be bypassed or defeated through force. Ethereal Nature: Everyone who enters the Traversal becomes ethereal, making them unable to harm or be harmed by others present. This ensures the Traversal remains a peaceful and neutral ground. Door Restrictions: While all 9 doors are present, only 7 remain open. The door to Drenborough only opens for those who have completed the Ascendant Path and are returning to life. The door to Witvildom remains perpetually shut, allowing entry only to the gods themselves.  


The air in the Traversal is cool and filled with a faint, soothing hum. The walls occasionally ripple with ghostly images of travelers who have passed through, their forms flickering like distant memories. The overall feeling is one of serene transition, a liminal space that exists between the physical and spiritual realms.  


The Traversal serves as a gateway and safeguard, ensuring that travel between the realms is regulated and that only those with legitimate purpose can move from one realm to another. It also provides a moment of reflection and transition for travelers, allowing them to prepare mentally and spiritually for the journey ahead.  


The existence of the Traversal highlights the interconnectedness of the 9 realms and the importance of balance and order. It is a place where the boundaries of each realm are respected and maintained, reflecting the delicate equilibrium that holds the multiverse together.