Moments of Shadows Prose in Aetherios | World Anvil
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Moments of Shadows

Jarock is caught up in a fight with an adolescent Arkett. A tournament, a duel, whatever the case it has many spectators. If neither side submits within an allotted time then it is a draw. Throughout the fight he doesn’t fight back. Jarock has made a promise to keep the existence of his comrades who escaped the order a secret. If he exposes his abilities it could expose his friends. He also promised his parents that he would do nothing to draw attention to his “gifts”. (being a User) If he did then there was a chance that they would take him away. The young Arkett beats him to a pulp, but he keeps getting back up. Flustered and iratated the Arkett becomes more violent. Jarock’s life is in danger and Skyra’s father tells them to call off the catch. One of the elders tells them to let it continue. He has spoken with the oracle and was told that it will be Jarock who will inherit the legacy. The arkett prepares to deal what appears to be a mortal blow. The Arketts cheer and Skyra cries out to him to get up. Jarock catches the blow with his bare hands draining the shadows from the Arketts tools. The weapons, gauntlets perhaps, are torn from his reach before they are completely drained. The Arkett, under the pressure of the spectators, begins to taunt him. Jarock watches him expressionless, unriled by his words. The Arkett presses the attack. There is no visual sign that the devices had been weakened, but the wielder can tell something is different. The shadows that had been trapped in the tools began to whisper in Jarock’s ear. They told him where his next attacks would come from, where they would hit. To the audience it appears that the hybrid has lost its will to fight and was standing there frozen with fear. The Arkett danced around him swinging his tools at him from every direction never hitting him. Beads of sweat dripped down the Arketts face as his expression became more and more agitated. His peers demanded that he finish him off. Others cheered for the show of superiority to a lesser being. Only the elder and Skyra’s father saw the truth. The Arkett wasn’t flaunting. They just couldn’t hit him. Everytime they swung at him, Jarock remained completely still. Then, at the last possible moment he adjusted his body just enough for the blow to harmlessly pass by. To onlookers it didn’t appear that he was moving at all. But to those who have seen blood and war what they saw was the skill of a gifted warrior. The Arkett’s final blow was aimed at his head. The bell, or other device rang, and Jarock bowed his head to dodge the blow. The arkett skidded past him and turned on him with the eyes of a wild dog. The spectators laughed at Jarock who had gone down to his knee. They assumed from his posture that he had forfeit. They mocked him saying his legs gave out in fear. When the announcer declared it a draw, the spectators were unhappy. His opponent was furious. The exertion and humiliation of not hitting him once made them see red. They turned on Jarock, but their attack was repealed by Skyra’s father. The man said it was disgraceful for one to that had already been won. The Arkett stormed away and the crowds dissipated. Skyra’s father turned to help Jarock to his feet, but he was already gone. Jarock slipped into a quiet secluded place and collapsed against the wall. His body was trembling, his breath was ragged, and worst of all his head felt ready to crack. The additional voices in his head made things unbearable. They didn’t speak with words, but their intent was clear. That Arkett had tried to kill him. The threat to Jarock’s existence must be eliminated. He tried to push the voices down. They quieted down, but they never went away. In the midst of the pain he sobs tearlessly. He trembles in the dark consumed by fear and pain. Once he calmed down he went home, oblivious to one who was watching him from above. It was Avalon, his family guardian.

Arkett: User: Skyra: Skyra's Father: Hybrid: The Oracle: Shadows: Avalon: