Story of Kalarock Prose in Aetherios | World Anvil
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Story of Kalarock

The direct descendant from Supreme Arklord Zenock who made the Covenant with the Primordials. During the conflict over the lower plain Kalarock chose the side to defend the humans. He was a man of status and stature well on his way to becoming an Arklord. He had many followers and supporters, one of which was his closest friend Cordis. He goes to the Oracle for advice on how to end this conflict peacefully. The Oracle tells him to descend to the lower plain and observe the humans. Take the time to understand them.    He goes down and enters a conflict between the humans and a small band of Arketts. One of their team has gone missing and their suspicion of the humans turned hostile. Humans against humans, humans against the Arketts. One human in particular was a member of the old folk: The tribe of humans who only saw Arketts as invaders. She was well trained in combat and an excellent sniper. She attempted to Kill Kalarock but an explosion sent her flying off a cliff. He rushed in and saved her, and she thanked him with a dagger through his side. The Arketts pull out and Kalarock is given time to heal. He tells the others to return and that he would follow shortly. While he rests, the woman comes back. He defeats her and moves on. Time and time again she tried to kill him but never succeeded. Eventually their fights became less lethal and more of an everyday spar. Over time her heart was changed while he grew fond of her. Soon after they fight for the same side and develop a friendship. That turned to love, and that love turned to marriage. As a sign of devotion they were married according to the customs of the humans. Now that he married a human and lived among them. He felt he understood them enough to change things for the better. So he takes his wife and newborn son back to Sitnalta.    There he learns that Cordis was elected the newest Arklord. His friend welcomed him back but the rest did not. He knew he lost their favor, but he didn’t care. All that mattered to him was his family and that peace was possible. Together they took his son to be given his lifename. The oracle takes the child into his arms raising it to the light and declares his name to be The Shadow of the Dawn. Kalarock immediately stops the ceremony and takes back his son. He refused to accept that as his child’s name. His son’s destiny was his own. So he took Scarlett and Jarock and returned to the lower plain where they lived in peace for a time.    They found a place where they could live in peace with humans and Arketts. In the valley of the falls, they founded a small village and invited their most trusted friends, the ones who were cast aside, to come and live together in peace. For a time they did. The Arketts shared their technology and tools. The humans shared their knowledge and remarkable ability of will. His wife's brother even joined the village claiming reformation. He didn't trust him, but out of love for his wife didn't cast him out. That would be the greatest mistake. The village was attacked. Everyone was slain and their son was abducted. With the help of the family guardian Avalon, they found him. He had been tortured and broken in many ways. Seeing now that the lower plain was never safe for them they returned to the migrant fleet to live isolated from humans and most Arketts.    Over time the conflicts became more aggressive. Fallen were growing in numbers, extremists were growing in boldness and numbers. They needed to be suppressed. The Archaic council had no choice but to call on each family for a volunteer. Those who refused would be treated as extremist supporters, and a member of their family be taken into custody. This was the council given by the Oracle. The Oracle's words were absolute. The only one who could go for their family was Jarock. When they threatened to arrest his mother the boy volunteered himself. His parents were against this but The council gave them no choice. Avalon and Cordis vowed to stay by his side at all times. The uprising and outbreak was suppressed, but Cordis lost his life. Kalarock was relieved to know their son was safe, but he grieved deeply for the loss of his closest friend. Rumors spread of how their victories came so quickly. Kalarock wasn't bothered by them.    Then one day he went to the chamber of covenants and found his son holding the Primordial sword. He son spoke with a voice of two. He told his son to put it back, but it was too late. The process had begun. He knocked him out and tried to put the sword back but it vanished at his touch. He took his son home before anyone could learn of what happened. When the Arketts learned it was missing they turned to the Oracle. He revealed that it was stolen by the heretic hybrid. His son was taken, his wife was grievously injured, and it was all according to the Oracle's instruction.    The fact that the Oracle gave Jarock his name then told the Arketts that he was a heresy wasn't a mere deceit. It was a manipulation. Something was wrong, and he needed to set things right. He gave his life stopping the separation of his son and the primordial sword and helping them escape. What he didn't say was that the gauntlet was of his own design in an attempt to retain his son's freedom.


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