The War of Seven Nations Military Conflict in Aetherios | World Anvil
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The War of Seven Nations

Inspiration is Ace Combat 5's Belka.   Sodom was the battleground of greater nations and kingdoms. They became so destitute, so downtrodden, that the only way they could see out of the hell they were in was to either destroy the world or rebuild it in their image. Using stolen technology, they built up their military to unprecedented heights to wage their own war against all those who had fought each other on their lands. The end result was the near-genocide of the human race by using technology that was lightyears ahead of its time. The repercussions left the nation of Sodom scattered, divided, and leaderless. The kingdoms who endured had to build themselves up from the ground again, leading to a civilization several centuries behind where it once was.

The Conflict


Great nations battled against each other, smaller nations rose up to fight them with technology that surpassed their adversaries. The weapons were of such terrible destruction that the very use of them ended the war and ravaged all nations.


The technology of the then-current era was rendered useless. Mutations in the wildlife creating a more savage environment forced the people to adapt to a more primal state. Lands that were not utterly tainted and overrun with creatures became an invaluable resource. There were still some skirmishes as people fought over limited food and materials, but ultimately they rebuilt themselves into independent city-states, mere shadows of the kingdoms they once were.
Conflict Type
Start Date
Unknown - sometime long before the end of the Silent Age
Ending Date
The First year of the Age of Peace
Conflict Result
Everyone lost.


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