Astral Sea Geographic Location in Aetherios | World Anvil

Astral Sea

"My name is Captain Abeque, I was stranded within the astral sea for a total of five lifetimes. I wished for death that never came but it is today Im finally back home, however there is one problem, I haven't been born yet."- Captain Abeque

The Astral Sea is a great big colorful cosmic cluster of stars, magic, blackholes, and a vast area of void in-between. There is no sense of space or time within the astral sea which makes traveling within it chaotic and unpredictable. A month spent traveling can get you to your destination within a day, a year, or even yesterday. Because of this, the astral sea will give the impression that creatures within it do not age when in all reality time doesn't exist to cause that creature to age. It is this unpredictable nature which led to the much more controlled and reliable form of inter-planar travel, the planar bridge. Gravity works in an interesting way here as well, as there is no gravity objects float will within the open void however those standing upon objects do so as if they were under the effects of Spider Climb and as if the object itself had gravity pulling in from every point on it. For example a creature leaning on a wall can easily transition to laying down on that same wall. Don't let this environment fool you though, it is still very much habitable by cosmic horrors, forgotten gods, mysterious unknown entities, and astral spiders.  


The Astral Sea is known for its wide expanses of colorful void. Stars, black holes, asteroids, floating cities, massive crystals, planets, moons, the dead husks of ancient unknown gods, and much more fill this massive void. This however is not all you may see while within the astral sea as there is an infinite expanse of possibility of what may lie ahead. Planar gates are another common sight within the astral sea. They are these massive arches filled with magical energy of varying colors, some never seen before, and are gateways to other planes within the multiverse. The only problem about entering one of these gates is getting back to the astral sea once through.


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