Bilgewater Organization in Aetherios | World Anvil


"Lively taverns, street brawls, drinking, gambling, and more? Sounds like the perfect place for shore leave!"- Pirate

Bilgewater is a place where the most retched of scum and villainy fester. It started out as a small port but over time transformed into the largest port city in the entire plane. The city prides itself in its neutrality, allowing for people from all factions to enjoy what the city has to offer. Much opportunity can be found here as gangs, criminal organizations, smuggling operations, mercenaries, thieves guilds, pirate crews, and much more can be found here. The mayor is technically in charge of running the city but almost every mayor has been just a puppet for corrupt organizations who got the mayor elected.


Bilgewater only has one universal goal, money. It is the one thing everyone wants and will literally kill eachother over. Outside of that many of the organizations within the city have varying goals. Most of these goals though involve money in one way or another. Greed fuels this city so don't expect any charity here.


Bilgewater has good relations with the majority of the factions. Being a neutral ground open with commerce for all helps it achieve this. However many recognize the shady and corrupt nature of the city, making sure to always look over their shoulder when walking alone here. Though many call this place home, taking part in and enjoying the sheer amount of freedom it presents.

Figures of Interest

Mayor Dolby

True Neutral, Male Human
Dolby is a short fat, greedy, pathetic, and spineless man. He is the face of corruption constantly doing deeds for the criminals who put him in power in the first place. As long as he gets something out of it, he will do it, and by him he means the town guard who are just glorified thugs. His personality is that of pure greed and cowardice. But don't let this fool you, being a mayor backed by criminals he can be quite dangerous if you make yourself an enemy of him.


Chaotic Neutral, Male Human
Fist is a large street thug who has gathered enough dim witted thugs under his command. They are known as the Fist Gang, common street thugs performing muggings, robbery, etc. Fist is the smartest of the bunch but is still a little dull as it is. For the most part the more powerful criminal organizations use his gang as hired brawn seeing them as numerous, useful, and expendable. However Fist doesn't care why he's hired as long as it pays well.


Neutral Evil, Male Tiefling
Domitri is the head of the largest criminal organization within Bilgewater. Most organized crime is operated under his watch. He makes sure to have his eyes and ears all over the city and his hands in the pockets of many. He acts in a very professional matter with business keeping a calm and cool persona but with a dark side that he keeps on a leash, if you help him he will put money in your pocket but if you cross him you will be founded bloated floating under the docks.


Neutral Good, Male Kobold
Karth runs the largest smuggling operation within the city, smuggling almost anything in and out of the city that you can think of. Despite technically running a criminal business he does not consider himself a criminal, he is merely getting people the product they want. He doesn't care what people will do with the product he smuggles or why they want it, he simply is just running a business. Because of this mindset he actually has a very carefree and likable personality, getting along well with most he comes across.


True Neutral, Male Dwarf
Kassidas runs the mercenary group that operates within the city providing hired swords to anyone willing to pay. He personally doesn't undertake jobs unless they interest him and pay very well. Only a few things excite Kassidas, Drinking, Fighting, and sculpting tiny animals made of wood. With his trusted mutt Jorgo he is a one man army with an army at his command. Just don't piss him off.


Chaotic Neutral, Female Tabaxi
Storm runs the Thieves guild within the city and has built it from the ground up, using her expert skill at theft to lure other thieves to join her guild. When you need something you cant have, her guild is who you go to. She cares little for feelings or the wants and needs of others, only about money. She is very forward and straight to the point, skipping any and all formalities. She also has a great sense of pride and a massive ego, which she has earned through her years at being a flawless thief.


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