Cult of the Kraken Organization in Aetherios | World Anvil

Cult of the Kraken

"There are whispers of those who operate in the shadows, not thieves nor cut throats, but something much more sinister"- Sailor

The cult is one of the oldest religions in Aquadrom and is the most taboo. It was started among the Scion and spread to other species that joined the cult. The cult operates in secrecy and the utmost discretion, your neighbor may be a part of the cult and you would never know. The only ones who operate in the open are the Scion who have no need for secrecy among them as many of them are a part of the cult. They operate within the coral catacombs, uninhabited islands, old ruins, etc.; any location that allows them to act without opposition.


The cult seeks to use the kraken to destroy those who live upon the surface and those that live under the waves. They believe that they are all a danger to the existence of the kraken and must be wiped out as they have wiped out most of the kraken species. They see the world in chaos and the only way to save it is to destroy it and build it anew.


The cult is typically hated by most and for that reason must act in secrecy. The Scion are the only ones who are considered allies to the cult.

Figures of Interest


Chaotic Evil, Male Scion
K'Thoth is the leader of the cult who will go to extreme lengths to achieve his goals. He cares little for the lives of other including that of his own cult, everyone is just a mere pawn to his game. Despite this sadistic and evil personality he is manipulative, deceiving, and cunning able to draw others to his goals with absolute loyalty. The only thing he cares about is the kraken and achieving his goal of total annihilation.


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