Krull Clans Organization in Aetherios | World Anvil

Krull Clans

"They rode with the storm, or maybe the storm came with them. Either way they decimated our ship before we even had time to fire back. Those longboats will haunt me for the rest of my days."- Washed Up Sailor

The Krull Clans are akin to giant vikings. They are giants who sail the open oceans raiding, pillaging, and plundering much like the pirates they share the seas with. Unlike the pirates however they do not serve by its code or under its syndicate. Instead they operate in a more tribal fashion where various clans each serve under a Jarl. Jarls lead multiple longboats under their command which forms their particular clan. Typically each clan is made up of one type of giant, so one clan might be all frost giants and another may be all storm giants. Clans are nomadic in nature and never stay in one place for long, to them their boats are more of a home than any piece of land. Its rare you may come across one of their ships but when you do, you best be prepared for a fight.


The Krull Clans live for very simple needs, to drink, to feast, to party, and to fight. Outside of this its rare that they have any ulterior motives. They believe in an honor system through combat and only through achieving the most honor possible may they enter valhalla after death. To them valhalla is less superstition and more known fact, because of this they are fearless fighters who will rarely flee from combat.


Due to their violent nature its rare that they have good relations with any outside their clans. However there are those few who prove themselves strong, worthy, and honorable adversaries which earn the respect of the clans and even the Jarls themselves. Relations between the clans may vary as well depending on the current Jarls, some clans may be at piece with each other while other may be at conflict with one another.

Figures of Interest


Neutral Good, Male Frost Giant
Yimir is the Jarl of the frost giant clan. He is the oldest of the Jarls and possibly the wisest. Due to his vast years of experience he understands the worth of the mind as well as the body. Most of the other Jarls respect his judgment as it is typically correct however it does put him at conflict with the hot headed fire giants and the all too prideful storm giants. He cares much for his clan and by extent all of giant kind, even if he is sometimes at conflict with his fellow brothers and sisters. Despite this he wishes for a future where all the giant clans can be united and sail the seas as one.


Chaotic Good, Male Frost Giant
Karstaag is the Jarl of the storm giant clan. He is the most powerful of the Jarls and he knows it. His pride is great as he believes he is the pinnacle of giant kind and that his clan are the only ones worthy of valhalla. He wishes to take control of the other clans so that he may lead them into a future where they may be glorious when entering valhalla. So far the Jarl of the fire giants has aligned themselves to Karstaag's clan. Karstaag hopes to soon get the other clans as well even if it means a show of force and power in order to do so. Despite this he deeply cares about his fellow giants, their culture, and religion; he just seeks to achieve the best for his people even by destructive means.


Lawful Evil, Male Fire Giant
Logi is the Jarl of the fire giant clan. While Yimir may hold vast wisdom and Karstaag may hold great power, Logi is the greater warrior. His warrior spirit and ability to rally is clan is unparalleled by any of the other clans. However as great a warrior he is, he lacks the ability to see further past his immediate goals typically reacting on impulse. He is hot blooded and quick to turn an encounter into full scale combat. He is a giant that cannot be reasoned with and only respects one thing, strength. Those who prove strong earn his respect and are recognized as a true warrior.


Neutral Evil, Male Cloud Giant
Jotuun is the Jarl of the cloud giant clan. His clan proves itself to be the wealthiest among the clans. They have had the most successful raids time and time again, gathering a wealth of supplies and gold. Though the clans particularly have no need for gold, Jotuun believes it gives him an edge over the others. He uses this gold to trade with the other factions for more supplies to strengthen his clan further. Jotuun typically cares not for the other clans and has no real desire to ally or be in conflict with them. All he seeks is the betterment of his own clan, however he does have respect for the frost giant clan and considers Yimir to be a friend.


True Neutral, Male Stone Giant
Argus is the Jarl of the stone giant clan. The craftsmanship of his clan is the greatest of all the clans. He prides himself in his superior ship building techniques and uses that to his advantage. Argus is a man of faith and art, his main goal in life is to achieve passage to valhalla and to create ships that will carry his kin for generations. He is typically in good relations with the other clans but this has been put into tension as conflict begins to arise within the clans. He sees no reason for his kin to war with one another and if the conflict doesn't end soon he will choose the side he believes to be the one to bring order back to the clans.


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