Spears of Triton Organization in Aetherios | World Anvil

Spears of Triton

"It is the Aquan people who reserve the right to live in peace within these grand oceans, and we will fight to protect the ocean and all who dwell within"- King Triton

The Spears of Triton are the native inhabitants of the plane and are more numerous than any other faction. They live as one with the ocean and its creatures, incorporating natural elements of the oceans into their daily lives. Sea creatures are domesticated and used for transportation and other various means. They have constructed vast underwater cities using hardened coral in its abundance as a building material. The ocean means everything to them as it provides everything they need to survive. However their way of life differs vastly from the lives of surface dwellers which puts them at conflict sometimes with those who live above the waters. Despite this they regularly trade with surface dwellers, giving them fish, rare underwater materials, and artifacts found deep beneath the waves in exchange for goods only found upon land, supplies, or technology. The surface dwellers are not the only ones at conflict with them sometimes though, the merfolk can be at odds with the very group they are apart of. This is because of the monarchy currently put into place as the Triton rule through their royal bloodline, however the merfolk believe they should have positions of power as well as they make up the same percent of the population that the Triton do. Despite this all people under the Spears of Triton are typically treated well as long as they obey the traditions and laws put in place.


The Spears of Triton merely wish to continue with their way of life and not let the meddling affairs of the surface dwellers prevent that. Because of this they are very protective about their way of life and people and typically do not welcome surface dwellers with open arms or trust. However there has been exceptions where a surface dweller has proved them-self to be a friend of the people. Outside of this they wish to preserve the oceans and its inhabitants, because of this they will sometimes attacking fishing boats if parts of the ocean are being over fished. This defensive actions goes for anything that might harm the ocean.


The Spears of Triton typically have a rocky relationship with surface dwellers, being either at conflict with them or trading with them. It depends on which surface dwellers they deal with that will determine their attitude towards them, however for the most part they have a mitrust for those who live above the waves. The Selachian and Scion are considered enemies and wars are actively fought against them.

Figures of Interest

King Triton

Lawful Good, Male Triton
All of the royal bloodline who become king have their name changed to "Triton" upon the day they are knighted into the role and can be of either gender with the female equivalent known as "Queen Triton". The current King Triton is a man who is dedicated to his people and continuing their traditions as they have been practiced for hundreds of years. This however can get him stuck at times only following tradition which may present problems at points that could have been prevented if not had tradition gotten in the way. Despite this he is a good leader and does what he believes to be the morally good choice. Also due to his stubbornest he insist on participating in battles despite his advisors saying otherwise.

Princess Mon Cala

Neutral Good, Female Triton
Cala is the daughter of the current King Triton and is next in line to rule her people. She loves her people and respects the traditions that came before, but believes the traditions must change and evolve in order for her people to survive in this ever changing world. This belief, which she is outspoken about, can sometimes put her at odds with her father and some of the people who are dedicated to these traditions. Quirky and full of energy and ambition she cant wait for the day she takes the thrown so she may guide her people into a new era of thinking, but she is also scared of the amount of responsibility that position will put on her. But until then she currently works with her people consistently to help them in any way she can.

Aquan Priest Maren

Lawful Evil, Male Merfolk
Maren is a well established Aquan Priest who has many followers under his cause. He is a religious figure who's mission is to spread the worship of the Lords of the Sea, a religion highly accepted by most aquatic and surface dwelling races. Because of his devotion to his religion it can cloud his vision and cause him to be quite stubborn. Additionally he tends to have fanatical tendencies taking his belief to extreme ends and has no qualms about committing a terrible act if it means furthering his religion. Any guilt about bad deeds he might commit is shadowed by his self righteousness and worship. However these acts are typically behind closed doors and for the most part he is well respected by the people.

General Er-Kan

Lawful Neutral, Male Sea Elf
Er-Kan is considered the greatest warrior among the people and has proved time and time again why that is the case. This sea elf has led countless battles and has the scars to prove it. He is a battle hardened soul who has experienced many deaths of close friends and battlefield horrors. This caused him to seem cold and a bit cruel to most but deep inside he is a soft soul who cares deeply about his people, even if he is bad at showing it. The one person he has in his life whom he feels personally able to open up with is Princess Mon Cala. To her he is like an uncle and he treats her as if she was his own daughter, as he can quite spoil her at times. He enjoys to spend his free time training her in the arts of war, history, culture, combat, etc.

Dovin Bane

True Neutral, Male Simic Hybrid
Dovin is the man who developed the method on this plane to turn a surface dweller into an aquatic being. He used to be a powerful mage who lived above the waves but after circumstance he found himself beneath the waves befriending the people who lived below. In time they accepted him as one of their own and to show his dedication to the people he even changed his physical body to become more like them through a magical process he created. Now under his guidance any surface dweller willing to convert to the way of life of the aquatic people may undergo this same process to join them. He has been seen as the link that could possibly one day unite both aquatic and surface dwelling races. However there are those who resent this and see this as an aggression on their traditions, but for the most part he gets along well with most of the people.


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