
The Queen of Air, The Lady of Air, Lady of the Winds

During the Dawn War, the primordials vastly outnumbered the gods, by as much as 100 to 1 according to some scholars. The gods' advantage was in power, for each primordial wielded but a fraction of that of a god, and in the fractured nature of the primordials themselves. Some primordials decided to stay out of the war entirely and in the case of one, to fight with the gods against the primordials. Akadi is a being of the air, as free-spirited and ever-changing as the wind. During the Dawn War, she changed sides as freely a mortal would breathe and it was not until she encountered Avandra directly that she chose to stay on the side of the gods. In Avandra she found another being that matched her free spirit and changeability.

Akadi's Role

Within the Retinue of Change Akadi serves as an agent of total change and freedom. She is the personification of change for change's sake. She is the exarch of total freedom from consequence. Additionally, her continued connection to the elements gives her some control and influence over the winds.

Akadi's Followers

Akadi's followers push the idea that consequences are not to be considered when making decisions or promoting change. The universe will sort itself out. While in practice this way of thinking can be difficult to enact her priests do their best, acting on the first impulse and trusting in their luck and faith to bring them through whatever results. In addition to her dedicated priesthood, Akadi attracts followers who are impulsive and carefree. She especially likes children and adolescents, seeing in them the purest mortal expression of her way of thinking.

Divine Domains

Air, Change, Freedom

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Akadi appears as a vast white cloud that moves in strange patterns and directions, the winds rapidly shifting to allow the cloud to take on odd shapes. When she wishes to interact on a more personable level she often appears as a willowy air genasi of the same ancestry as the person she is appearing to.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral


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