Garl Glittergold

The Sparkling Wit, The Joker, the Watchful Protector

Garl Glittergold is widely considered to be either the first gnome or the creator of the gnomes, a distinction that matters very little to his faithful. The varied origins of the exarch only add to the rich tapestry of stories and fables associated with him. Glittergold believes that a sense of humor is an important thing for anyone to cultivate, regardless of their hardships. The inhabitants of a community ought to cooperate for the greater good. Pranks are a sacrament. Authority figures shouldn't take themselves too seriously. The tales and jokes should be preserved, but change should not be feared.

Garl Glittergold's Role

Within the Retinue of Change, Garl Glittergold acts as a balancing force. While he believes that pranks and tricks are important to the well-being of a person he encourages his followers to be mindful of the targets of such mischief. Pranks should never be targeted at the undeserving or those that cannot handle the outcome, fun should not result in cruelty. Additionally, he is viewed as a protector of the community, a champion of the traditions and stories that make up a shared history.

Garl Glittergold's Followers

Perhaps the most numerous of the Sparkling Wit's followers are gnomes. In any gnomish community, you are likely to run across at least a small shrine to the exarch. Gnomes view him as their progenitor and the original trickster, they continuously try to live up to his example. Other followers include persons whose livelihood is reliant on tricks or wit. Jesters, stage magicians, con artists, and more all say a quick prayer to the Joker before a job. His priesthood is larger than many in the Retinue of Change but it contains far fewer actual spellcasters.

Divine Domains

Luck, Protection, Trickery

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Garl Glittergold almost always appears as a handsome adult gnome of slightly taller than average height. He typically has golden skin and sparkling gemstones for eyes. He dresses in fine clothes with a silk cloak and is always adorned with golden jewelry and accents.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good


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