
The Lillend Queen, Joybringer, Mistress of Revels , Our Lady of Joy

Lliira is the exarch of joy and art. She is a patron of artists of all forms, from sculptors and painters to dancers and musicians. She believes that art should be strived for and experienced in all aspects of life. Like Olidammara she believes that revelry and celebration should be embraced, unlike the Laughing Rogue she feels that such celebrations should be cultured and refined, examples of art as a social exercise. Her angelic servants, the lillend, are patrons of the arts as well (though usually of a single art each) and it is said that the great masterpieces have all been witnessed by a lillend.   She and Olidammara are engaged in a long and complicated courtship as neither can truly come to grips with the other's nature.

Lliira's Role

Within the Retinue of Change Lliira is a voice of inspiration. She strives to stoke the fires of creativity within mortals and to encourage them to push their self-imposed limits. She sends her lillend hand-maidens far and wide in the universe to watch over budding artists and old masters alike believing that art is the truest window into a culture. While she does favor the more cultured and refined arts, such as painting, jewel-craft, or composition, she does not neglect the more visceral arts. Many are the weaponsmiths that claim to be inspired by the Lillend Queen or the tribal weavers that say they felt her touch.

Lliira's Followers

The Mistress of Revels most obvious worshipers are artists themselves. Nearly all artists say a short prayer to Lliira before starting a new project and again on its completion. Stage productions and other formal public performances also traditionally begin and end with such prayers. Her actual priests all practice some form of artistic expression as a private devotion to her. Skill in such endeavors is not a prerequisite as the Lillend Queen appreciates the attempt more than the result. Like Olidammara, Lliira's holy days are celebrations and festivals, unlike him, they are usually more sedate and planned.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lliira's natural appearance is that of a lillend, an angelic creature with the upper torso of a human or elven woman the lower torso of a huge serpent and large feathered wings sprouting from her shoulders. Lliira tends to appear larger and more grand than an average lillend, often having scales and wings of wild colors and beautiful designs. She almost always appears more elven than human. If she chooses to appear as a normal humanoid then she invariably picks a race that is considered the height of either fashion or culture in whatever community she appears in.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good


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