
The Laughing Rogue, The Great Bastard

Olidammara is the bard of the gods, but more in the manner of a stealthy adventurous bard who knows how to have a good time than a traditionalist musician. He loves wine, women, and song, though not necessarily in that order. he believes that you should reach out and grab life with both hands, that a life without fun isn't worth living, and that gold does more good when it's spent than when it's hoarded. He reminds people of the importance of fun, music, and excitement in their lives while simultaneously warning of the dangers of becoming too attached to material things or rigidly controlled habits.   He is also engaged in an inconstant love affair with Lliira, the Lillend Queen. They share similar tastes in almost all things, but the Laughing Rogue's temperament strains that relationship to the breaking point on a regular basis.

Olidammara's Role

Within the Retinue of Change Olidammara is the force of rapid and constant change. He encourages people to accept change as a natural part of the universal order and to go with the flow when it occurs. Adaptation to change is nearly as important as acceptance. He is also the lord of revelry and drink and his holy days are often some of the wildest parties in any year.  

Olidammara's Followers

The Laughing Rogue is beloved by common people, beggars and jesters as well as being a favorite of more adventurous bards, rogues and anyone else that likes to live life to its fullest. His priests dress in loose comfortable clothing, often in styles similar to bards or rogues, in earth toned colors mixed evenly with white and black. His holy symbol of the laughing mask is often worn as an actual mask during festivals. About half of priests of Olidammara also dedicate themselves to Lliira, acknowledging the close connection of the two exarchs. The faithful are expected to spread good times and revelry as well as actual wealth. worshipers are encouraged to donate whatever wealth they can to charities and the poor.

Divine Domains

Change, Luck, Trickery

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

It is said that Olidammara never appears the same way twice, his chaotic nature will not allow him to become categorized as any one shape or size. The only commonality seems to be that he always appears as a male and that no matter his form it is an exceptionally handsome or dashing example. He often dresses in the clothing of a minstrel, bard or swashbuckling rogue and usually carries a silver filigreed rapier.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral


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