Placeholder - Thunder Plains

These land masses are adrift in the Aetherial Sea adjacent to the Plane of Air. While the denizens are mostly peaceful nomads the weather on the other hand is very treacherous. Often the plains are bathed in a wind that can be as mild as a breeze to full on gale gusts of wind that make traversing the landscape difficult. Weather patterns are erratic and can see thunderstorm often the closer you get to pockets of elemental air influence. Large wind storms that rage without end. Strong lightning strike the surface. This energy can and has been harnessed by aether fliers that are properly equipped by capturing and storing the lightning in crystal form. Some islands that drift closer to the elemental water and fire influences can see a marked change of the landscape and weather conditions. Adjacent to water the plains eventually transform into sweeping tundra and frozen wastes. Blizzard conditions sweep across the plains and threaten to freeze anything they touch. Adjacent to fire the winds are warm and the flora turns to sand. In some extreme cases tornadoes that form can even be ignited on fire and blast across the surface. While many of the populace tend to be nomadic there are a few permanent communities that have developed over the time. The most well known is an old storm giant fortress that was converted into a sky harbor to offer respite and supplies for the lightning rail aether fliers. Some storm giants still control this outpost and have a mix of other species such as the Aaracoa and other air aspected species. On the plains themselves you can find small communities of Humans and Orcs primarily who have adapted to the rugged climates. One is a vast moving market that packs up and goes where it can beat out the sky storms and ply their trades among those that travel the thunder plains.


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Aug 12, 2024 16:15 by Enoris Leinwand

From what I gathered, it is an intereting peace of worldbuilding and it sounds chaotic, which is good. I enjoyed it. However, it was quite difficult to focus on it as there wasn't even paragraph to organize it properly. I wish it would have been easier to read and digest. The concept seems really interesting.