Chutzpahzaar, the Glorious Interchange

(Hoot-z-pa-zar) The pacifistic Brass dragonaught filled with great oralists and magical speakers, keepers of the Great Words of Power. They sought to speak with all the races in the world, to hear every and all stories and keep them in their eternal memory - endlessly curious, ever extravagant and passionate. They sought out to embrace the successes and failures of the many races within their great capital, and give any and all a voice and power that many disregard. The power of the written and spoken word - the ability to change the world with a single letter, or a short speech. To turn utter despair into unbreakable hope. They believed everyone was capable of changing the world, by simple small acts, and letting every voice be heard, and for all to understand one another through their stories. They offered a great stage for any and all that wished to bear witness, and listen. These dragons were once ruled by a powerful matriarchy.