The Kingdom of Talamh has adopted the fairly new religion of the Fae Lords. Replacing the lost connection to the gods of old and instead following the High Fae of the Seelie and Unseelie courts. The Kingdom of Ethenna has reclaimed, in sorts, a following of the old gods. Though they do not dissaude any that may seek a Fae Boone, they also do not dissuade those that wish to return to worship of the deities that have gone. The free folk have taken up a figurative kaleidoscope of beliefs, with the wandering tribes of Tabaxi taking on a primal worship of the Elemental Forces, some of the deneziens of Xai'Ikar taking to the worship of elder dragons, various different cults of good, and nefarious intentions, and a smattering of devout worshipers of the old gods as well as the occasional follower of the Fae. The free lands celebrate the freedom associated with the choice of what to believe, and condemn those that would seek to squash the faith of others for being different.