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## Basic Information * **Name:** Galen Earthsong * **Alias:** The Reluctant Hero, Timesplit * **Age:** 12 * **Gender:** Male * **Place of Origin:** Empyrea, The Realm of Emotive Reality
  ## Physical Description * **Appearance:** A small, wiry boy with unruly auburn hair and bright, mischievous green eyes. His movements are quick and erratic, as if he can't quite keep still. * **Distinguishing Features:** A birthmark on his left palm in the shape of an hourglass (he was born at the exact moment of the Shattering). When he uses his powers, his eyes flicker with golden light. * **Typical Attire:** Colorful, practical clothes suitable for play. Often wears a pendant given to him by his mother, which unknowingly helps stabilize his temporal energies.
  ## Abilities and Skills * **Early Powers:** - Unpredictable temporal shifts causing objects around him to age or de-age randomly - Occasional glimpses of possible futures, which he often misinterprets as daydreams * **Developing Powers:** - Ability to communicate with his future self - Summoning a spectral image of his future heroic self for short periods * **Late-Story Powers:** - Controlled manifestation of his future self for extended periods - Limited time manipulation in his immediate vicinity * **Non-Magical Skills:** - Natural acrobat and climber - Intuitive understanding of complex systems and patterns * **Weaknesses:** - Lack of focus and discipline - Fear of the responsibility his powers entail - Emotional state can cause his powers to fluctuate wildly
  ## Background * **Backstory:** Born to a powerful emotion mage in Empyrea, Zephyr's temporal abilities manifested early but were mistaken for emotional projections. His carefree life is upended when Elden arrives, seeking his mother's help and recognizing Zephyr's true nature as a time-touched individual. * **Occupation (Pre-Shattering):** N/A (Born after the Shattering) * **Occupation (Post-Shattering):** Child, reluctant hero-in-training
  ## Personality and Relationships * **Alignment:** Chaotic Good * **Personality Traits:** - Playful and mischievous - Initially resistant to the idea of being a "hero" - Deeply caring but tries to hide it behind a carefree attitude - Struggles with the weight of his potential future self's legacy * **Goals and Motivations:** - Initially: To avoid responsibility and continue playing - Later: To protect his friends and live up to his potential without losing himself * **Fears and Weaknesses:** - Fear of failing to live up to his future self - Trauma from losing his mother - Difficulty reconciling his carefree nature with the serious nature of his powers
  ## Affiliations * **Factions:** Elden's group * **Allies:** Elden Vortis, his mother (initially), other members of Elden's team * **Enemies:** The Cabal, particularly Equinox and Singularity * **Relationship with Protagonist:** Elden becomes a mentor figure to Zephyr, helping him understand and control his powers
  ## Role in the Story * **First Appearance:** Empyrea arc, when Elden seeks help from Zephyr's mother * **Significant Actions:** - Helping Elden unlock his father's research notes (unknowingly) - Confronting Equinox and Singularity alongside Elden - Gradually accepting his role as a hero and mastering his abilities * **Character Arc:** From a carefree child avoiding responsibility to a young hero learning to balance his nature with his destiny
  ## Additional Information * **Quotes:** - "Being a hero sounds like way too much work. Can't we just play instead?" - "Future me is so cool! But also kind of scary. Do I really have to become him?" * **Trivia:** - Zephyr can't lie without causing small temporal distortions around him, making him a terrible secret-keeper - He names his future self "Captain Chronos" and often argues with this idealized version of himself
  ## Fate * **Eventual Fate:** [To be determined based on story progression] * **Legacy:** [To be determined based on story outcome]

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