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The Elezen are a race divided within themselves, and their often-arrogant attitudes keep the other races at an arm’s reach. The Wildwood live off the lush forests, using their keen eyes to hunt and gather in the dense woods seeking balance with the natural world. The Duskwights in contrast are notorious for their desire for power and control, mastering the manipulation of aether and weaving reality to their whim. The Burmecians were subjugated nearly a thousand years ago after losing the Dragonsong War to the Brood of Marduk, and since built a faith around serving the Great Wyrm and his brood.  

Elegance and Pride

Long legs, slender bodies, pointed ears and sharp features are all marks of an Elezen. Only rivaling their otherworld appearance is the poise with which they carry themselves. Their tall, thin frames only differ within the race by the color of their skin.  

Elezen Names

Both the Wildwood and Duskwight clans of Elezen spell their names very similarly. Men's names are longer and usually endin suffixes such as - loix, -aux, -mont, or -geant. A female's name will typically end in -ne, -ette, -elle, or -ie. Despite the similarity in their first names, the Elezen tribes over time claimed sur names for either side. These surnames will never cross clans, but only those who live within the race will know the difference.  

Elezen Traits

Your Elezen character has a variety of natural abilities.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2.
Age. Though Elezen are one of the longest standing races, they do not live much longer than anyone else. They reach physical maturity around age 18 and live into their nineties.
Alignment. Wildwood Elezen lean towards lawful alignments, be it their upbringing to protect the forest or life within the religious walls of Burmecia. Duskwights have embraced the wild way of living, leaning towards chaotic alignments, viewing laws as arbitrary things.
Size. Elezen are known for their tall slender bodies. Men can reach a maximum 6 feet 8 inches and rarely are shorter than 6 foot 3 inches. Women reach a maximum of 6 and a half feet and rarely shorter than 6 feet tall. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft.
Superb Hearing. You gain advantage when making a perception check using your hearing.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and one extra language of your choice.
Subrace. The Elezen come from two different clans. Select one of the three subraces of Elezen.  


The Wildwood Elezen have become the protectors of the forest and masters of nature. The Wildwood keep a tight hold on their homes, defending them aggressively. They have learned to live off land wherever they find themselves. Years of life in the forests of Kildea has imbued them with various abilities.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Hawk Sight. The normal range of your ranged weapon is increased by 20ft. This cannot exceed the max range of the weapon.
Natural Shrewdness. You gain proficiency in the Insight skill.  


Duskwights are Elezen whose ancestors were exiled from the Great Forest of Kildea, eventually travelling west and making their home in the cavernous systems of the Isle of Agart. Their light hair and dark skin sets them apart from the Wildwood and marks them to stand out. Duskwights are natural cave explorers after, their forefathers adapting to the sea caves of Saronia.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Cave Dweller. You gain advantage when making Stealth checks in caves or dim and dark lighting conditions.
Darkvision Due to life in the caverns your eyes have adapted to help you see in the dark. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey.  


The Elezen of Burmecia left the Kildea over a millennia ago to found the city state of Burmecia. These Elezen found themselves embroiled in a thousand year war with dragons, before eventually succumbing to them. Under draconic rule, the Elezen of Burmecia are an oppressed people, only finding some measure of social mobility through strict religious worship and service to their dragon masters and the whims of the Au Ra nobility.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
Conscription You gain proficiency with shortswords, shortbows and spears.
Marduk's Scriptures You gain proficiency in the Religion skill.

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