BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Written by notashrub

The Beyond One

  Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth. He knows where the Old Ones broke through of old, and where They shall break through again. He knows where They have trod earth's fields, and where They still tread them, and why no one can behold Them as They tread.1

The Lurker at the Threshold

Oh Celestial Father, born of the Nameless Mist, progenitor of Cthulhu and Hastor the Unspeakable, bless us with a sight so terrible we rend our clothes and tear our flesh for our unworthiness. As descendants of your castoff half human sprog, we pray to you for release from our shoddy meat suits to join the shining effervescence of your glory. We fearfully offer our spirit to you for your pleasure, for our ending is foretold in the annals of time and space.  

The Opener of the Way

The great warlock Whateley summoned Yog-Sothoth to our world in a great ritual from a hidden Summit of The Mountains of Madness. Yog-Sothoth answered the call and blessed Whateley with two children, of whom the Huic Ostiarian Tiefling race are believed to be descendants.  

Seeking The Key and The Gate

Huic Ostiarians who wish to find favor with the great Yog-Sothoth must complete a series of tasks to awaken the Fierce Deity. It is said that Those Who Seek will be consumed without mercy if they are not properly prepared. The following text outlines the steps one must take to successfully call upon this most ancient of celestial gods. But be forwarned- though a path is outlined, what one finds at each destination may defy all that has come before and will transpire after.  

Setting Out

To begin one's journey, Huic Ostiarians must seek council of The Elders for their blessing. The way is long and hard, and the Seeker will be given only one gift to help on their journey. The Seeker must use every resource available to reach each milestone on their own.
From across the Black seas of Infinity and beyond the mists of time, Yog-Sothoth watches and waits. For he is the guardian of the gateway between worlds and he alone holds the key to unlock the gate. For when the ancient rites have been spoken, and the lords of darkness have been awakened and summoned forth, then shall the gateway between the stars open once more.3


Once long ago, Ilson Temple was home to the priests of The Old Gods. It is the oldest temple known to the world of Aevothar, though over the years it has become more dangerous to enter. One may find Ilson Temple within the Forsaken Grove, and pray to the old ones to fortify them for the road ahead.  


There is an inlet between The Skoval Highlands and Oldwinter that used to be home to the town of Wilberton, though if it existed it is now part of the Virvel Vortex. It is said that Yog-Sothoth birthed Cthulhu in these waters and that in a fit of a thousand year's hunger, the god swallowed the town and all of its worshippers.   It is here that a true believer can cleanse their meatsuit of the weary world and become imbued with the blessings of an Old One. But be warned- Cthulhu is a merciless god and may smite if awoken on a bad day.  


Enter Gravitus and behold the Mountains of Madness! If you have passed the trials set upon you then the way shall be clear. Without faith, you will perish. Yog-Sothoth awaits your summoning at the pinnacle, may you be worthy of their audience.

1Lovecraft, H.P. The Dunwich Horror
2Lovecraft, H.P. The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
3Lovecraft, H.P. The Necronomicon

Resurrection Incantations


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